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Everything posted by JarBinks

  1. Thank you for the confirmation. I've had several boutiques wonder why I won't sell wood dough bowls as candle containers, and I always say "LIABILITY". I just thought I would ask because sometimes I tend to be cautious. Those bowls are not coated with anything on the inside and if they were, what type of caustic fumes would that emit? I'm going to stick to my original decision and NOT sell flammable bowls with my candles poured in them. Oh, and you are so right about people stuffing homemade wicks or materials into wax. Not good. Wishing you a prosperous year!
  2. https://www.candlequeencandles.com/collections/dough-bowl-cheese-mold-candles?fbclid=IwAR3b7RqcBpazLpybebFc5CjCMkBdaGJaww5RrmXb2gbHnpNUwEHdVB4AsXs Sorry about that other bad URL. Has anyone used these before without burning down the house? They look nice and rustic but .....
  3. How about these wood containers? https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.candlequeencandles.com%2Fcollections%2Fdough-bowl-cheese-mold-candles%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3b7RqcBpazLpybebFc5CjCMkBdaGJaww5RrmXb2gbHnpNUwEHdVB4AsXs&h=AT1xgBG6lgPk6CXKBviAJj9IcNwJ2-WJk92QvD-LcpzAlGfmVH_ROj5SAob27BvzSU1ohgD459RE4g2QbjQ1PWbco99KNRTg59pITWPhX6pdeUp_kzONkiJ5NET173YBDQ&__tn__=R]-R&c[0]=AT10GBlIRlUDEJNP0n3dR5WLrsgHnlIwKgaQer3uflMXCPDV7jJCeqy8806YFD5x9eOxZRdkm-CkcE4hJB5Pb9hD6bYcq9Mqrbcx9sK0IRT5lx1ZteW7gAqC-kFSRwAbZq8UwPDXE0GKTQTpaH-gPeC8AqIwpCR8LLgJ_IKG-XAjAyuo
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