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Everything posted by morgieb13

  1. I have absolutely heard that about FOs being picky in Pillar of Bliss and in 650! Even though I am VERY new to this it’s already been my experience with POB. Which is frustrating because it means I can’t use melts as a general gauge for how an FO will perform/smell in wax. I’m glad to hear some positives and potential for ProBlend 400. I’ll definitely check out 4630 as well. Really appreciate your time and comments!
  2. ErronB, thanks for your response to the OP! I found it very helpful as well. I was thinking about trying ProBlemd 650 but will probably hold off since I still have some Pillar of Bliss left. You seem to have strong feelings against some of the ProBlend waxes - curious if that extends to ProBlend 400? I’m considering doing some trials of it along with soy, possibly Midwest Soy. I came across it while looking for a wax that’s majority paraffin.
  3. Great question, I am wondering this as well. Was hoping to see some response here 😞
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