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Posts posted by Godiva

  1. Blue Sugar fo ... oven hot processed. I'm pretty well pleased how this turned out. Still not sure about the colors, but I think they are growing on me......blueberry pop, black oxide, chameleon glitter. They are just cut, but not cleaned up yet. Hope you like :)


    Those are great! Like the colors.

  2. Same recipe, larger batch - together these weigh 3 lbs 5 oz. I like the color much better - no speckles or mottling. Still some ash on top, but I didn't put cling wrap or wax paper on - that will be something I do next time.

    I cut these large - next batch I'll cut into 12 bars.

    With the red palm oil, they remind me of dial soap.

    This is so much fun. Can't wait to buy some bleached palm oil and try some coloring.

    One question - instead of wax paper or cling wrap, can I use freezer paper to lay on top to help prevent ash?


  3. Or don't cover at all and don't gel. It's still soap in the end. I prefer non-gelled soaps, but that's my personal preference.

    I'll have to try this too - so many things to try - I can hardly sleep at night thinking about soap and candle making.

    BTW - your site is gorgeous.

  4. also make sure to cover and insulate your soap after you pour into the mold. this will help prevent the white spots (called ash)
    Most excellent job!! I like the color. :yay: :yay: :yay:

    Insualting well can help prevent partial gel which to me is what it looks like along with a bit of ash. Neither will hurt your soap. It is more cosmetic.

    I searched around on the net more, and saw where people were using comforters, several large towels, etc. I used a couple of kitchen towels, and it was a chilly day, too. So I think I didn't cover it very well. This time I have it covered with several big towels and a nice heavy flannel sheet. I'll be unwrapping in about 4 hours - can hardly wait!

    Thanks to all for all your responses!

  5. Thanks Marisa - appreciate the response.

    I made a new batch today, same stuff - bigger batch - found a great old campbell's soup box that is 8.5 X 11 - used it like a slab mold.

    I used room temp distilled water, and this time the lye solution did get hotter - after it was dissolved, temp was around 155.

    Will see how it turns out this time!

    Going to have to order palm oil online though, can't find any around here, other than the red.

  6. This is my first batch of CP soap - or rather of any soap whatsoever. Does this look normal? I made it up last Thursday, so it's only been 4 days.

    Here's the ingredients - no fragrance or coloring - orange because I used palm oil I found at farmer's market - all they had was orange in color, which I guess is the unrefined, unbleached type.

    palm 3.4 oz

    coconut 3.4 oz

    pomace olive 3.4 oz

    canola 1.3 oz

    sunflower 1.4 oz

    castor .7 oz

    spring water 5.2 oz

    lye 2.1 oz

    I thought the soap would be all one consistent color. It looks kind of mottled and speckled, and the top looks different. So I'm thinking I did not do something right.

    The lye solution did not get that hot - only up to 120 degrees at hottest - but I did keep the spring water in the fridge - and it was a small batch - so I'm wondering if that's why it didn't get hotter.

    I mixed lye solution and oils at 100 degrees. I used a stick blender, shorts bursts and then stirring.

    Any helpful tips?


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