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Posts posted by Janette

  1. My supplier recently switched from Vybar to Polybar, claiming they are interchangeable. I am finding that I need considereably less polybar per pound. In some applications, (floaters) the polybar seems to be causing cracks around thin edges (even at greatly reduced amounts). If anyone has experience with the two, or can tell me if I might just be crazy I would appreciate your thoughts. Janette

  2. Nutmeg from NG is not what you might expect or hope for. I just tested this one last week. They describe it as an herbal base, and this is true. I only smell the nutmeg slightly. To me this one smells like a msculine soap scent. It smells nothing like fresh nutmeg. I also tested and poured Christmas Splendor, Spiced Cranberry and Eggnog recently. Love all three, great throw. HTH. Janette

  3. All of the shows I have ever done, have been pay with application. No money, no spot. One of my regular Xmas shows requires a deposit at the end of the show for the next year's show, (balance paid by June 1st). I think it is only reasonable to pay the booth fee well in advance. How else is the show going to get organized and well promoted? Don't let them leave you hanging, find others who have the cash to pay you. My 2 cents. Janette

  4. That is a Lantern, made with a balloon filled with water. The water balloon is dipped, repeatedly in a vat of wax. Once you have dipped it enough times to get the thickness you desire, release the water from the balloon and you are left with a wax shell. I put sand in the bottom of mine to keep the candle from heating up the bottom of the lantern, and damaging it. You will need a large vat, filled with enough wax to submerge the balloon (make sure it doesn't overflow when the balloon displaces the wax). I use a paraffin with melt point of 149, and dip at 160 degrees. I am not sure if the dipping temperature would work for all varieties of wax, this is something you may have to experiment with, or someone else may have some info for you. HTH Janette PS-This may not be the easiest project to start with, but have fun.

  5. Okay I would like some input here. I think I'm under pricing but don't really know for sure. I charge $9.00 for these or a 2 fer special lol. They sell well at this price. I'm making a decent profit. I just wanted to get some idea as to what everyone else charges for theirs. The mottles, rustics and chunks I mark up to $12.00 each. TIA for your answers.
    Can you wholesale at that price? If not, you need to raise your price. If you can wholesale (50% off) and still make a profit, then you are good to go.
  6. How deep are your floaters? Many just aren't deep enough to get 4 hours out of. The additives might help, but if they are too thin there isn't much you can do to extend the burn time that long. I do my repour after 1/2 hour, at same temp as original pour, this way I get them out of the way quickly. HTH. Janette

  7. When I am asked to do custom work I explain that it will cost far more, as it is more work than just selling one out of a batch. Most people don't realize that it is only viable to produce in numbers. Explain how much extra work it really is to do a custom order and that they will have to pay for your time to do so. Hope that helps.

  8. Every show is so different. For a show of that size, at that time of year, I would be looking for $1000+ per day is sales. However, I would likely take closer to $8000 in stock to the same show. As the others have said, you never know which scent/style is going to be the hot seller. Nothing disappoints me more than running out of something at a show (disappointed in myself that is). So the short answer is still "as much as you can". Good luck. Have fun. Janette

  9. I wrap all my scented candles in cello. It only inhibits the scent for the first few days, and then the scent comes through the wrap. I find that I have far less damage to my product with all the set up and pack up of shows. It also avoids the finger nail gouges that customers like to make (what is up with that anyway?) I do not wrap my unscented candles before sale, but have often had customers ask it I could wrap them in cello for them. Just my two cents. Janette

  10. Thanks for all the replies......I'm just burning my first tester of NG's Eggnog. The throw is great, and I really like the scent. The ones I like usually bomb! I think I am going to try 1 lbs just as a tester this Christmas. If it goes, I will bring it back next year. If it doesn't sell, everyone I know is getting an Eggnog candle this Christmas. I will rename it though. Cheers Janette

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