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Posts posted by alhughes

  1. you know Donita i was just telling my husband you have got some awesome talent when you can take flowers & make them into something so beautiful....AWESOME job as usual. if i had just a smidge of the talent you have maybe my business would be as successful as yours......My hat off to you.

  2. ok i have some soy candles that are awesome scented but they have alot of frosting, they're probably about 3mths old, would you sell them at a discounted price or would you not even bother. i tried heating them w/a gun but the frosting just comes back. What to do, what would you guys do, i don't want to set them out if it will turn people away but at a discounted price they may sell............uggggggggggh hate delima's :( just to correct a little this is only happening to my 1oz & 4oz's my 6 & 9oz's are still beautiful.

  3. cool, can't wait till sis gets her house cause i live in an apartment complex & we aren't aloud to have yard sales:( . anxious to try though, told sis i would be having 1 at least once a month during spring & summer, don't know if she said yes, but don't really care (lol):laugh2:

  4. when you all did these yard sale/candle sales did you charge sales tax on your candle sales? i know you normally don't but you have a sales tax license so wouldn't you have to other wise how do you write the sales in your business? also did you lower your prices for the sale or did you keep them at normal price & if so did people complain about it being a yard sale but not yard sale items. not trying to get nosey just know somethings people think cause of doing craft shows

  5. no Candlelovr, i mixed 1oz of scent w/about 18oz of wax which is a little over a lb of wax, i got 1 8oz, 1 6oz, 1 4oz & some tealights out of it. Candleman my house stays about 72degrees i pour it in my kitchen which is a little hotter maybe 75, but i keep them in my spare bathroom which is very cool probably 65. but i wiped it off last night & checked it this morning & it was fine, i will keep an eye on it, i just think that scent (sun washed linen) needs about 22oz's of wax to keep it from happening again. it is a very strong scent anyhow, i should've known better. anytime i get a scent that strong i always add little more wax but wasn't thinking (dah me!):undecided

  6. thanks for everyones input, i am like Beverly, i'm impatient i don't like that i have to wait for a scent to cure, i have done over 200 candles w/c-3 & never had to cure one of them, they were ready for sale in the morning. I have had some frosting & sink holes but that is what a heat gun is for. I think i will go w/my gut & keep my c-3 but that is what i love about this forum. I get so much helpful info. :D

  7. i have a question about sweating candles, when the oil seeps out on top of container candle. i poured 6 scents over the weekend, looked at them tonight found that my sunwashed linen sweated 4oz tin/eco 8wick/1oz frag pp of c-3, 6oz tin/eco 12 & 8oz/eco 14, then country breeze same except 6oz isn't seeping, why? any help:(

  8. hi guys, i have a question. i've been thinking bout switching from c-3 to ez soy. just because of cost, but i don't want to switch if i have to add things to it to get the good result i get from c-3. i notice alot of you guys add it with another wax, i did a search on it here but can't seem to figure out why you add it w/other waxes. is there a problem w/scent throw, does it take for every to cure. you see i can pour a c-3 & the next day it has an awesome throw. i bought another wax 1 time & regreted it. can anyone who uses it straight give me some imput, or those who mix it, why? sorry if this doesn't sound right but i plan on making an order this weekend but don't want to waste the money if i have to add alot of stuff. help?:o

  9. aswan01, as far as i know it wasn't posted, this is a copy of what Candlelovr gave me & Master told her

    "First, heat your mold in the oven on about 150 and let it sit there until your ready to put your wax in.

    When your wax is completely melted, you can either pour it into a large glass bowl, or let it cool in your melt pot. I used a bowl. When it starts to form a skin on the top, start whipping it and keep whipping it until its the consistency of thick oatmeal. When you get it to the right consistency, add a few drops of liquid dye to the middle and take something long and thin, like a wooden skewer and mix it just for a few seconds. If you mix it too long, it will be one solid color so be careful during this part. When your done mixing the wax, take a spoon and start putting it into your mold. When you have all the wax in the mold, pack it down really good and then pick it up using 2 pot holders or wet papertowels and drop it pretty hard onto the counter top a few times to settle the wax. This alone is not enough to avoid empty spaces so you will need to heat gun the outside for about 1-2 mins. If you dont do it long enough, you will have holes on the outside and if you do it too long, it wont marble right. You still need to poke relief holes periodically but probably wont need to do a repour since the wax is pretty much cooled off, so there wont be much shrinkage. Just heat gun the top to get a smooth top."


  10. i honestly believe in "you are your worst critic". just wasn't happy with the 1st marbles so i remelted them & this is the repour. some have a pinkish w/blue marble & then purple w/blue marble & white w/blue marble. i am another one who's camera doesn't do there creations justice but enjoy, i did!











  11. the plug would work if i was using liquid wax but to do my marbles you have to let is get thick like oatmeal. the spoon it in the mold & then bang it. i've been using soda cans as the mold cause i like the design on the bottom of the can as the design on the bottom of the pillar. so i put the hole in the top which would be the opening of the can. i think the drill bit maybe what i need right now. i was using a wood burning tool which was working great but let's just say it doesn't like melting wax........:laugh2:

  12. thanks so much for the info......my sis is buying a house & she will have a yard & garage.......i was thinking of doing that too but didn't think it would fly but now i know it might.......awesome.......the truck stops, don't you need permission or something like that, do you set up a table, etc. or do you go from truck to truck which is risky cause they may think your a truck hopper (which when i drove trucks you locked your doors & didn't answer if someone knocked) tell me more i live in NE & we have truck stops everywhere.;)

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