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Posts posted by Tanya

  1. I' ve been using this for about three weeks I think. I use 50/50 castor/jojoba with a little lavender and tea tree oil. So far my face has broken out about the same as before but no more then is normal. I was really scared it would become pizza face. So far so good so I'm sticking to it. As for my son I'm still nervous having him do it.

  2. Depends on how much almond vs orange you would like. Play with different percentages till you get the smell you want. Some put it on cotton balls in a baggie to see if they go well together. Of course that wont give you %'s. I usually when doing cucumber and green together mix them in a shot glass before pouring into the wax.

  3. Sounds like you had some water in your wax, thats about the only way that could happen. If I remember right... Lin had this problem months ago and it was water in the wax heating up and building up pressure to the point of it blowing off the top unmelted wax. She posted pics and it was a mess.


    Bet that is what happened.

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