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Posts posted by Grannyscandles

  1. I had this FO accelerate on me today in CP. I was using more than 50% liquid oils at a cooler temp. I had thick vanilla pudding looking stuff in the pot immediately. Just a heads up for anyone wanting to swirl it.

    I hadnt' seen anything mentioned about this scent accelerating but it sure did for me. I was still able to do an in the pot swirl that I will post later when un molded.

  2. Well so far this weekend I made 2 3 pound batches of soap. The first was scented with KY's Summer Breeze,..a very soapy scent and swirled with Green Moss. The second is still in the mold but is peppermint (white) with a blue swirl.

    I also made a small batch of cream soap, my first. That was fun! It is bottled now. Lavender eo added.

    I just mixed a batch of Olive oil and Mango Lotion. Can you believe I was completely out of lotion?

    I am also test burning my new metro jars...they are so darn cute!

  3. I am trying their recipe today. We shall see!

    Edited to add:

    Oh my gosh this stuff is freakin' gorgeous! I thought I screwed up and it wasnt' gonna trace but then I let it rest and came back and whipped and freakin beautiful!

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