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Posts posted by KristineG

  1. I don't think they would. I've read through their site. Others have told me they were on the up and up. I figure I'll try this one and watch to see who links to my site from theres. Are you going to do it? I think I'm going to use votives or tealights and probably my lip balm.

  2. I wash mine after I cap them. Haven't had a problem till just about 5 minutes ago. I followed my usual procedure, and after labeling about 25 or so, I noticed the labels were not sticking. I print all of my labels on my printer and realized that I loaded "repositionable" sticker paper instead of permanent. Are your labels preprinted or do you print your own and if so, what type of label paper are you using?

  3. I'm participating in a Sampler Box and would like to include my lip balm with the other items I'm sending. My question is: Do you think it's tacky if I roll the tube up about 2/3's of the way? My label covers the entire tube so you won't see that I rolled it up. I don't have any lip pots. This is a sampler box and we're supposed to use sample sizes. Should I just give a full tube of lip balm away or just enough to drive people back to my website to purchase more? I'm also including 2 tea lights and 3 oz of Milk bath in my sampler bag. Any advice appreciated.

  4. Try the trampoline approach. Normally, when calling a company to complain, you typically call the 800 number where a receptionist answers your call, and then usually you're connected to a person or department that might be able to help you. Keep in mind, that when you're filing a complaint, you're probably talking to a customer service rep. If you're not satisfied with the response you're receiving, generally you ask to be transferred (up the ladder) to their supervisor. The supervisor will listen to the wah wah, but when the call is said and done, you're complaint is filed away. Especially with this type of complaint and a company as big as FedEx. they probably receive alot of these daily.

    Now, instead of calling the 800 number to file a complaint, one of many by the way, try calling FREDERICK (Fred) W. SMITH, Chairman, President, Chief Executive Officer of Fedex at 901-818-7500. You'll probably be transferred to his assistant. I can tell you that if you give the assistant as much information as possible,indicating that you've tried the other approach without results, I guarantee you that the assistant will not only give the message to Mr. Smith, but she will also transfer you "down" the ladder to a person that WILL have to look into and resolve the matter and then report back to Mr. Smith's assistant or directly to him to advise the steps taken to resolve the matter.

    Imagine, you're a line staff employee of a large corporation like FedEx and the Chairman has just transferred you a problem call to resolve, vs. your line supervisor, who you probably eat lunch with and see on daily basis.

    I've gotten to the point where I will try the suggested approach of calling customer service but if it's not handled appropriately, I start at the top and work my way down. Actually, it's less time consuming to start at the top. There isn't a Sr. Level Executive out there that's wants to be known as a do nothing by lil' ol' us. I learned this while working in Corporate america before comitting to my business fulltime 2007. In any event, you probably won't be responsible for major changes at FedEx or any other shipping service, and your packages will still be thrown about in the warehouse but, when that driver approaches your driveway, your packages will be handled with care.

  5. Thx everyone for the responses. I'm also trying to look at this like a consumer. They're not used to blocks! You tell them it's natural and handmade and you get a little head nod as if that's a good bonus. But remember, most people grew up on ivory, dial, irish spring, et. They're used to seeing rounded, curved edges. And that's also my personal preference because of the way I bathe. Rolling around a sharp-edged soap brick in my hand isn't exactly how I want to start the morning.

    Now, personal preferences aside, are you telling me that there is NO WAY it can be done?

    I'm not a soaper. I grew up on and still use Safeguard however, my house is VERY contemporary and I will tell you that even though the CP has a more rustic, country look, it does sit in my bathroom as a decoration. I love the smell and it softens the look of contemporary. Anyone that has gone into my bathroom always asks about it. I do think that it's the price attached to the look of the bar that consumers don't get. $4-$5.50 for a bar of soap is high when you don't understand it and can buy a dozen of safeguard for the same price but I think its your job to pull your customer into the look, smell, feel and benefits of the handmade bar and to see the "art" in the bar of soap.

  6. I hope I'm not overstepping any boundries...I think the font is too hard to read. When doing print advertising, you should always use Helvetica or Arial. Your eyes should flow across the text. Mine were moving up and down through your paragraph...sort of like they were on a roller coaster. I think you have the right idea on what you're stating but IMHO, as a home based business, have you considered adding the personal touch? Maybe quote yourself in the paragraph?

    A candle hobby that began in 2005 is now known as Pumpkin Creek Candle Co. which is a home based business owned and operated by Gina Curtis. Soon after, Gina began making hand crafted soaps. "I wanted a product that didn’t contain the chemicals typically found in many of the soaps available in stores". For the past two years, Gina shared her candles and soaps with family and friends. She began receiving requests for more product so It was at this time that she decided to turn her hobby into a business. Pumpkin Creek Candle Co. now offers an exquisite line of handmade candles, soaps, air fresheners, and bath and body products..... .

  7. I didn't have any hempseed butter, so I just increased the shea. I won't use any nut oils because of that one small chance of allergies.

    I'm getting really confused about this whole Shea thing. Is it from a nut or isn't it a nut? From what I've read it comes from a "nut" or is comes from a "seed" and been told: Though rare, individuals with both a Type B Latex allergy and a Nut allergy can react to shea butter. Does anyone know if this is true or not? I've been telling my customers not to use if they have nut allergies. I also state it on my labels. Can anyone clarify this?

  8. I tried this last night. I made a 1 lb test batch of M&P, poured it into my brand new 1 lb. wooden soap mold. I lined it with plastic. Woke up this morning and couldn't get the soap out! Apparently, some of the soap seeped through the corners of the plastic. I did manage to pry it out but now I need to know, how do you clean a wooden soap mold? Can you soak them in water? Seems like it would cause the wood to swell. Oh, the soap was a flop.

  9. Thanks Meridith...lol. Your reply let me to: Wipes won't get the "crap" out from under the fingernails either. I've had this paraffin dip for about 4 months now. Ordered it from NG. I have no idea what to do with it! I can't even remember why I bought it or what "grand" idea was going through my head at that time.

  10. I'm participating in a weekly outdoor farmers market beginning next Tuesday. For fun and interaction with customers, I thought about offering free Spa Therapy Paraffin Hand Dips. Since this is an outdoor event, a sink is not possible for use in washing hands before dipping. Do you think antibacterial hand wipes will be sufficient? Has anyone done this at a craft show or event and was it fun for the customers? Any advice on this is appreciated.

  11. I had a similiar situation happen with me last November at a Holiday craft show. Mind you, my table was constantly busy so I didn't have time to notice the traffic at hers...she was in the front (a regular to this event) and I, being the newbie at this event was tucked away in the back around a corner. Needless to say, when she approaced me about the whole Soy vs. Parffin debate (I blend soy and parffin) I smiled politely and acted as though I was interested in what she had to say. My response to her was what I say to all of my customers....I stated the benefits and what I believe are the high points of "my" candles. I didn't debate with her. When she was finished "schooling" me, I thanked her for sharing her knowledge and turned my attention back to my business. I guess the point is that, no matter what you use to make your candles, someone else is going to think theirs are better, healthier, safer, prettier, whatever. I simply keep my mind focused on my goals and objectives, take whatever advice is offered, negative or positive and either try it, use it or lose it. I'm assuming she wasn't doing to well or felt somewhat threatened by a little competition, or maybe she's just one of those types of people...mightier than thou.

  12. You're supposed to put the weight on the candle jar label?! :shocked2: Oh my...I don't do that.... I didn't know we were supposed to...I do list my jelly jars on my website as: 8oz Jelly Jar Candle and 16oz Apothecary Jar Candle....I figured I was listing the jar size not the actual candle wax weight. Where is this written that you have to put the wax weight on the candle jar label? To be honest...I was a huge Yankee and Colonial customer and never once checked the weight. You have me worried!

  13. Sorry....I'm also challenged in the creativity dept so I can't add help with the name however, alot of great suggestions above. I would suggest searching the .coms to make sure it's available before you decide on your business name if you want your .com to reflect your business name :)

  14. Stacie! Great Idea! I have hundreds of those "tin" tealight cups out in the candle room. I keep pushing them around not knowing what to do with them because I now use the clear one's for my tealights but couldn't bring myself to toss them everytime they got in my way. I'll use them to test my lip balm and then I won't feel guilty when I toss them...at least I used them for something.

  15. Ahh....well...I use a refinded paraffin and soy blend so I'm not sure how my FO's would do in 100% soy wax if that' what you use. I can tell you that I believe (I'm not out in the candle room) that all 3 are from NG....I know the buttercream is for sure....the others may be too and if not, then they're from BCN...if that helps. I don't venture too far for FO's...lol

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