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Posts posted by VerticallyEnhanced

  1. I offer them exclusive zip code rights, but in return, they have to meet minimums (i.e per order minimums, time period between order requirements, etc.) In other words, someone cannot abide by my minimum purchase guidelines, order say $300 worth of candles and then not order again for three months.

    It works very well and I have found that my stores appreciate me taking care of them. In turn, they represent my line very well.

  2. Holly, just my two cents on having a place for both billing address and shipping address... Of course on my site, I get a lot of orders for gifts for others and have to have both billing/shipping. But even when I have done hostess parties like you are doing, I have occasionally run into something where maybe someone is buying as a gift to be shipped, or some times, where they are using a business credit card from their company but want it shipped to their house. One woman was actually using her mom's credit card info...her mom said "here...buy what you want and put it on my card" but had it shipped to her. So, if there is a way to put them both out there without sacrificing anything, I would do it.

  3. We have all the basics now...food, clothes and booze. Everything else will just be frosting on the decorative candle bunt cake.

    I have decided, as your self-appointed leader and chief financial officer, that we need a better name for our commune. Of course some of our graphic designers are going to have to step up and offer their services. We will need lots of print media...everything from business cards to bumper stickers. I can see it now... "Follow me to financial freedom. If you can boil water, you will make me, uh, I mean yourself rich!"

  4. You are so right Island girl...warm and tropical it is. After all, I am sure after only a few weeks we can afford an island.

    Oh not so fast my Dear Jeff...before I pass the bottle, you have to offer up a skill for our Paradise Pyramid Candle Commune (PPCC). I am thinking something manly. What do you have??? Huh? Huh? You can keep everyone supplied in custom molds, deal?

    So we have


    Wine stuff


    Mold making (If Jeff agrees)

    Come on people...these four measly skills will not a commune keep! Ante up now if you want a piece of finacial freedom at the expense of others.

  5. Okay...lightbulb.

    We all have tons of people who have approached us with "will you show me how to make candles?" ... "Where do you get supplies" .. "That has to be so easy, how do you do it?"

    I will sign up for candle wealth. I will get business cards made...enough for everyone here who wants to participate in my little scheme. When any of us get asked "those" questions, hand them the card and say, "It IS so easy!!!!! Go here." The will sign up under me; of course after a while, I will have tons of people under me on my pyramid. Then, I will use my candle wealth bazillions to buy a huge piece of property in the middle of the country. We will build a candle commune while continually recruiting new pyramid members to fund our commune. We will be a community of the most amazing candle makers in the country. We will start "THE Candle Company". With all the amazing quality and selection, we will soon be outselling all other candle companies, force them to fold and "THE Candle Company" will monopolize the candle world.

    Who is in? In order to be considered for the commune, you must posses a functioning non-candle skill. After all, it is a commune...we all need to pitch in. For example, I know a lot about wine, so I will be the official commune wine steward. I also like to iron, so I can take on that duty as well.


  6. Why oh why when this comes up do I always go look at their site? for laughs? Guess so.... "If you can boil water, you can make candles." That just cracks me up! I love the "adjust the temperature" comment on the video after the dye is added. Also, the "measuring" the oil part always gives me a nice little chuckle.

  7. I am anal backup queen since I almost lost everything a while back. I use my website server to back up a lot of files, so that might be an option for you depending on how much room you have. I also have an external 250g drive which automatically backs up my computer every two days. My brother uses http://www.ibackup.com/ and is very pleased with it. I think it is about $10 for 5g, which for me, is not much at all, but I am sure you can add on.

  8. I use photoshop for all of my labels, but I don't use a label template. I determine what size I need my label/project and then size my photoshop document accordingly. When I am through with my photoshop doc, I usually save it as a jpg. Most of the time I am either importing/uploading my label/finished product to somewhere (i.e. overnight prints) or I plug the finished jpg into a MS word template.

  9. So funny you ask...I was just tooling around there the other day. This after my first round with an intellectual property attorney yielded two things:

    1) I should change the name of my company to a more "protectable" one (sigh)

    2) Once I get a name, he can get it all taken care of for about $3k if there are no hiccups.

    So, going to keep an eye on this thread to see what people say. BTW, I listen to Neil Bortz on the radio and he has a code for a discount. I will try and find it. I think it might just be "neil"????

  10. Does this mean shots in Texas next go around? Course depending on where we're going around lol.

    I am all for it. I, personally, don't think there was near enough drinking going on last year. I say we set it as a personal goal.

    Go to the convention. Make soap. Do shots. Do NOT set off the fire alarm. Deal?

    (I talk tough right now as I am having a glass of wine and trying to stay awake!) :D

  11. Me drink? Surely you jest! (sorry, I almost fell over typing that!) You gals know I am as willing as the next person to crack open anything that will make me forget how much my feet and back hurt right now...but there simply was no freaking way in hell I could get it done. As it is, I was up till 3am trying to finish up the two wholesale orders I got on Monday and I was up at 5am. The hours just were not there. But he got candles (not the ones he wanted) and I got money. Whoo hoo!

    You know, as my good friend on the board Jeff reminded me when I was bitching and moaning about getting crap done in time (Hi Jeff! :P), at least I have something to bitch and moan about. There are worst problems to have, eh? The best...I deliver my big ass orders tomorrow, get the checks, deposit them and then hubby and I are shopping. Sadly we have done NOTHING in the lines of Christmas shopping!!! In preparation of facing the butt munches on the roads, in the parking lots and in the stores, I am taking my xanex and a flask with me. Ho ho ho....

  12. Phone rings yesterday at about 4pm.

    Me: Hello...

    Man: Hi, I need to place an order for Christmas.

    Me: Sure... I will do my best to get it to you, but a lot depends on what I have in stock.

    Man: I just need your Pine Scented candle.

    Me: Okay, I have some in stock. How many do you need?

    Man: 48. Can you deliver them tomorrow?

    (insert chirping crickets)

    Man: And I heard you can do really neat custom labels, too. If I send you my business logo can you put it on there.

    (more crickets)

    Seriously...who waits until December 19 to think "Oh gee, I need to get my employees' gifts." There was flat out no way I could make them. I am totally tapped out trying to get two wholesale orders delivered on Friday (both of which came in THIS week) in addition to tons of little orders that have come in this week; so I talked him into 48 mix n match candles from stock with NO special labels and HE is picking them up. I realize that people don't really understand the nature of "handcrafted". That they really sometimes think they can call and we can magically whip out 48 of whatever they need. Next year he promised to contact me in November.:P

  13. I know it is kind of late, but do you have any friends who are teachers? I had four cases of candles that I gave to my friend...she left them in the teacher's lunge with an order sheet and boom, sold all but nine candles. She gets a free one plus 10% of the sales credit towards her candles.

    Offices (as I think someone said) is another avenue. Find someone to organize and handle the sale and give them a percentage of the sale (either money or candles).

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