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Posts posted by VerticallyEnhanced

  1. I was told (by the supplier) it was a flat $20 charge BY ups for anything over 100lbs. Nothing was mentioned about number of boxes or anything else. Sigh. If I have time today and I am going to call ups as well as calling my supplier back. I totally realize that suppliers have to pass on their cost just like we do, but I would be upset if I find out they are trying to pad it for extra profit.

  2. The only thing that I have an issue with is the per-transaction limit. I use the premium service and my transaction fee limit is $500. Normally that is not an issue, but it has come into play with a few wholesale accounts that are more than $500. I was not sure if you could just run the same card twice - maybe someone here can say for sure. It worked out because the purchaser wrote a check for half and then put the other half on the card.

    Other than that, I love it! :yay:

  3. Well, my supplier was very nice and was right on top of it. They called me personally to explain it over the phone.

    Yes shipping has gone up, and I knew that, but even considering that increase, my totals were still really off in my mind. SO, guess what else UPS did in January 06 in addition to raising shipping prices? They decided if you order over 100lbs and it is being shipped to a residence instead of a business, they are going to tack on a $20 fee. I did not know that. So that pretty much negates (and then some) your 200lb shipping discount.

    No problem. I have a friend in town who owns a business and he will be MORE than happy to take my shipments. The best part is that delivering tons of wax to his business will be MUCH more difficult than wheeling it into my garage. But hey, I will save $20. So :tongue2: to UPS.

  4. Or has it? I have to admit I am bad about skimming my invoices when they first come in, then they pile up and I go through them all at once about every two weeks.

    So, from one of my suppliers i had an invoice from a couple of weeks ago. It was for a 300lb shipment and the shipping charge was $86.75. ouch. I thought that was a tad bit high, so I started digging through old invoices. There was one from the same supplier from last November. It was for a 512lb shipment. The shipping charge was only $78.95

    So I can understand an increase in shipping, but wow, a 512lb order in November was almost $8 CHEAPER than a 300lb order this month? That is a 212 lbs difference. it has to be a mistake, right?

    And yes I have an email into them. Just curious if I am kidding myself and it was not a mistake? :embarasse

  5. I just ordered it from BCN. I had no idea they were even carrying it (it is a BNL oil) and found it when i was ordering some other BNL oils. I am anxious to see how it does, and I will post the results. I did see the save on scents reco, but dang, I need another supplier like I need 10 more pounds on my butt. :P

  6. Now see, I agree on the Mojito. My customer handed me the almost used up candled and when I smelled it, I said "That smells just like my Mojito." She was insistant that it did not (she had used the Mojito before).

    The only info I found was what was on your other post, Holly. At least I think it was your post. ;)

  7. They are one of my FAVORITE suppliers. Not only are their oils TOP notch, but they have the best customer service of any supplier I use (that is about 13 suppliers). I use soy and there has not been an oil i have tried that I have not liked and that has not worked well in my candles.

  8. I am tired of people thinking I am a charity. I have a website with STATED prices. No where on there does it say "$14.95 or your best offer." Why do people think it is okay to haggle because I am a small business? Latest: Woman bough TWO 11 oz candles. TWO. So in her comment field on her order she puts "Do you discount for large orders?" I responded to her and said (as stated on my site) that I normally will give 10% off for orders of $100 or more. I thought she was asking that question because she had planned on ordering more in the future. NO! She thought TWO candles was a large order! Seriously, if you are ordering something off of Yankmee's site, are you going to have the nerve to ask them for a discount? It is not as though I am a total scrooge, either. I have coupons for my stores, punch cards, discounts at shows and on larg(er) orders, shipping discounts on my site for larger orders, etc. Shocking to some of my customers, maybe, but I am in business to try and turn a profit.

    Okay, there, I feel better now. :)

  9. I keep a couple of votives under my check out counter that are kid type scents (bubble gum, hot chocolate, strawberry,etc. When a kid comes in with their parents and if I am not swampped, I ask them if they want to play the smell game. I hold up the candle and they smell it and get to try and guess it. I keep some fruit snacks I give them for playing.

  10. Last week Fed Ex scared the total bajeezers out of me. We had all the kids in bed and we were back in our bedroom watching TV and frankly, half asleep. They rang the doorbell at 9:35pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Normally I would be up, but even if I was, you don't freaking deliver a package that late!!!! Or heck, just leave it on the doorstep and don't ring the dang bell! Of course it woke up all the kids and we got to spend another hour putting them BACK to bed.

  11. Oh Miss Island Girl you hit the nail on the head!

    1. Gee, we have not had any other complaints on our products.

    (That's funny, becuase at least seven other people have emailed me after

    I asked a question about the product, all saying they HAD contacted you

    with the same issue.)

    2. Gosh, it must be something YOU are doing wrong. You must be adding the FO at the wrong time. Or pouring too hot. Or pouring too cool. Or stirring to much. Or not stirring enough. Or not holding your tongue the right way.

    (Yeah, it is me. I have been doing it the same exact way for FOUR years

    and all of a sudden it is me.)

    3. I will test it myself and get back to you.

    (That was almost a year and two unanswered voice mails ago)

  12. i use big gallon glass jars that my friend (restaurant owner) saves for me for my "regular" line. when i want to try out a new fragrance, or make a smaller batch, i use the large jelly jars (2 quart???) with the double sealing lids. i just keep them in the jars until i am ready to package. i put mine in sachet envelopes and then put those in cello bags...fold down the bag and put my label on them. they stay super fresh for months that way, but they usually sell well before that.

    on the smells in the jars...i have been successful with "de-smellin" them with vinegar and in some situations, taken a lemon half and rubbed it along the inside surface of the jar.

  13. I got my first one off of ebay. With shipping it was around $225. That was with four walls and an awning, carrying case, etc. Now I do 10x20 booths and I had to buy another one. I actually found one on Craigslist. It was from someone who was going to do craftshows and changed their mind. It was identical to my first one and I bought it for $100. :D If you have craigslist in your area, I would check there too.

  14. Hit and miss for me. Some of the ones that everyone said were great, I could never get to throw. These include ones that say do great in soy on her site. But, some of hers that I do have are simply wonderful. Mojito is DA BOMB in soy and great for the upcoming spring and summer. Just get samples and don't do what I did and buy one lb bottles. :)

  15. I think I has a lot to do with the freight trucks not being able to maneuver well in residential areas. When I order, I specify that they be held at the local company's freight station. Then we take our trailer over there, break down the pallets and load them in our trailer. The guys over there know us so well that now they pitch in and help us.

  16. And yet one more item. :D There is a company called Mellaluca. I use a lot of their products, but one is just a miracle item. It is called solumel and I have yet to meet a stain it cannot get out. I cannot say I have tried it on crayon on carpet, but it has gotten several other items out of my carpet, off of my tile, off of walls, out of clothes.

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