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Posts posted by VerticallyEnhanced

  1. Ya know...I LOVE the wax. I love the candle it makes and it has an awesome hot/cold throw; but I am in constant state of worry with this wax because of what happened...I am seriously gun shy. Because it does make such a good candle for me, I deal with all the quirky things that go along with it. With that said (lol) I just ordered some other soy waxes to play with mixing along with the 415. It is just never ending! I am a perpetual tester. :laugh2:

  2. Lot date Jan 16th and it is ezsoy (not that being ezsoy makes a difference, it is the same 415 everyone uses). I have used about 30 boxes of this wax (same lot) and everything was fine. After the disaster I had a while back, I have just programmed myself to freak out easily. ;) The thing that hit me last night, too, is that I just started using a new bag of 1000 wicks. I have to wonder if they possibly send me the wrong ones? I will have to look. I am also pulled three candles to burn today (some of my regular ones that I know the wicking on for sure) that I know were also made with these wicks. Hopefully these just both happen to be oils you have to wick up on. :rolleyes2

    Speaking of wicks, Islandgirl, you get yours from Candlewic, right? I have been thinking of switching to them b/c their prices are so much better. Are you pleased? How do they package their wicks? I use BCN right now and they literally stuff all their wicks (when you order 1000 at a time) in a plastic t-style bag. (like a grocery bag) It is like getting a ball of wicks and I am so tired of trying to pull them out of the tangled mess.

  3. (Okay, the younguns might not remember that song) :cool2:

    I have made two test candles this week that I am burning. I use 415 (straight, no additives). I am still working with an order of wax from a lot that I tested when it first came in. All was well when I tested. I am testing BNL Ginger Lime and MC Hillbilly Homebrew. Both are not burning well at all with my normal wicking. I thought that maybe MC's HH might need to be wicked up, but I always start with the norm and go from there. Now the Ginger Lime, well, it just did not look like a bumper upper, but I have been wrong before.

    Of course the paranoid side of me that lost a TON of money on a hidious 415 lot issue is freaking out. Someone please tell me that these are ones that you use AND ones that you have to bump up on. Please. Pretty please. Put my paranoia to rest.

  4. I have a feeling her gma's kitchen will be a lot like the one I already carry.

    I have used two different Christmas Splendors (the one from NG and the one from JS) and called it Country Home all year long. I never was very pleased with either of them although the NG version sold pretty well. The NG one I did like better (and I am using it right now), but it was just not over the top in the throw department. I know, sometimes hard to do with spicy stuff. The JC one just kind of burned with a funky smell, to me. Hard to put my finger on it, but it just did not smell as yummy in wax as it did OOB. That is pretty much the scent I am trying to capture. I know Hillbilly Homebrew is a pretty regular scent on here and used by many, but I was a hillbilly virgin until today! Now I know what all the hype is about. ;)

    I am open for suggestions on a possible replacement.

  5. I ordered a 2 ouncer of this with my last order. I am looking for a countryesque, spicy replacement sent for a "Country Home" type candle, so I thought I would give this a try. It is super strong! I have it in my master bath and it is going out into my bedroom, down the hall and into the living room/kitchen. Very yummy. I definitely get the pecan and cinnamon but I just cannot put my finger on the sweetness that comes at the end. She uses "spiced plum" in her description, so maybe that is it. I am only on my first burn, but it looks like I am going to have to wick up.

  6. I love it! It is fun and shows you have a sense of humor about ya. Of course we knew that.;)

    I was concerned with the French spellings. I could see it now.

    "Hey Marge, I just bought the most amazing body butter! You have to get some!"

    "Oh really? What it is called?"

    "Uh, ummmm, well, something about a brassiere. Le Brassiere? The Bra Lotion? Hmmmm, I cannot remember."

    I can only imagine the fun labels you are coming up with! I wanna see!

  7. I would say at least $85. What I like to see if discounts for a double spot. Say $85 for one 10x10 and $60 for the second (as long as they are side by side and containing the same merchant).

    I hope you don't mind giving my two cents about one day shows. I rarely do them because my set up is just too involved - it is almost not worth the effort for one day shows, unless I know I can make a killing. I know there are others out there who would rather do one day shows, so you have both sides. There is only one one-day-show I do. I do it because I know I do really well there and they also let you set up the night before. Seven hours seems kind of short, is there any way you can extend it? If there is any way you can do two days, I think you might get a bigger draw from not only the vendors, but from visitors. If you go two days, I think you could easily charge $175.

    I always ask shows how they are going to advertise. That is a big key for me in deciding on shows, especially if it is a newer venue.

    Hope you don't mind my opinions. ;) I am just looking at the situation as I would approach it if someone contacted me about doing the show.

  8. Christy, I don't think they have the lids I like (attached), but thanks for the link, it might come in handy. Using the seams to line up my wicks is just so normal for me. I pour so slushy that I cannot see the wicks in the bottom of the jar, so I wick them lined up with the seams, then line them up with the seams after I pour. Of course I am sure I can find a way around it.

    Thanks again for the responses!


  9. Thanks guys, I appreciate the input. Geek, I saw the melting pot jars and thought they were beautiful but remembered some posts with the wicking trouble! As for the wax, I don't really want to change that aspect. I am curious to see what will happen with my samples as far as wicking. I am not holding out hope that I can single wick as she said. As for the 30 days, like I said, I am aware it could happen. I will just have to really plan ahead and make sure I am not down to my last few cases before ordering if I do, in fact, switch.

  10. I think Sherie want's these guys to give her a little show ... (no tell)

    Okay, the guy on the end who looks like he just found a "surprise" in his unitard is really kind of freaking me out. What do you think it is? Is it bigger than a bread-box? And is it wrong of me to say the guy's support band for his socks (second from left) is turning me on just a bit? If it is wrong, maybe I just don't want to be right.

    And to date ONE of you has sent me your fav four songs. That person gets a gold star (or a lap dance from one of those unitard guys, I have not decided yet). The rest of you are on the fence. :P

  11. Bunny, I seriously would love to learn some soaping techniques. I don't know my butt from first base when it comes to anything soap related, but have been anxious to learn. So if you guys are going to play, I will watch over your shoulder if you don't mind. :)

    And I never thought I would say this...Moose Poop sounds divine. :P

    Okay...this is serious. I need everyone who is signing up for the swap to send me your four favorite songs. Don't ask any questions...just do it. ;) There is a method to my madness, I promise! If you don't mind, PM me with the info. Also if you are convinced I am not a stalker (Bratt can vouch for me) include your real first name with the PM.


  12. Scented, I feel your pain, literally. I just finished my THIRD anti early this week trying to get rid of this ear infection (with strep on top of it). I woke up this morning and I can tell it is still there. The kicker is my doc keeps saying "You HAVE to slow down and rest or you will never get better." Um. Exsqueeze me doc, but you have a wife who does not work. You have two kids and a live in nanny/maid. I work full time, have a business and three kids. How about you just give me your dang maid for two weeks????

    Anyway, I have about ten different scents I need to pour this weekend... nothing terribly exciting. Just orders and trying to get my stock back up.

  13. The Jar store has a jar I want. It is the apoth jar with the ringed, metal black lid. Currently I get the black lid apoth from TVG (pressed jar). I just simply love the look of the lid at the Jar Store. The TVG lids are okay and I have used them for years, but I am getting kind of tired of the lids being a great fit on some, wobbly on others, and tight as all get out on others. I looked into switching my line over to the Jar Store quite a while back, but they started having issues with their lids. Well, now they have had them redone and they sound wonderful (plastic seal on the inside). However, on their site, they only have those lids for the seamless jars. I talked to Paula today and she said they will never again have them for the pressed (seamed) jars (something about the way they fit).

    After talking to Paula, with the volume I buy, the jar would not only be a bit cheaper than ordering from TVG, I just like the look better. However, I am just used to the seamed jars. I double wick (use GF 415 soy) and actually use the seams to line up my wicks. So she tells me that with their jars, since they are not pressed, I would not need to double wick. Now I did a search out here on them and saw where she told someone else that she does not know much about making candles. ????? I realize the concept behind the pressed vs. blown and how you can wick down a bit on the blown glass, but I just don't see being able to go down to a single wick on 415 soy. Has anyone tested these with the same wax in the 10, 16 and 26oz sizes?

    Also, out of stock issues...in my search I saw a post about someone having an issue with them being out of stock of their jars. The post was from last year (I believe) and I am hoping that has changed. I usually get four shipments of jars per year, each shipment being pretty big. An OOS issue would be a pretty big hit to my business. I asked her about that today on the phone and she said worse case scenario, I would have to wait about 30 days if there was a run on the jars I was ordering and they happened to be OOS. Again, that would not be a good thing if I was in a pinch. I usually try and plan ahead as much as possible, but you know how that goes...best laid plans.

    So please give me your ideas/opinions and your good/bad/ugly experiences with them and their products.

    Thanks so much!

  14. Nope...I just got a sample of it yesterday with my order. OOB it smells amazing and I have never been disappointed with any of their oils that I have tried. I am going to try and get it in wax this weekend. Another one that was SO scrumptious OOB was white chocolate. :drool:

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