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Posts posted by Hopie

  1. I think it's a very good idea, Quentin. When we sold fancy ladies handbags, I'd put the super blingy or super gaudy ones up front to draw attention to the booth, and generate conversation. I did see this large candle online: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Candleberry-Hot-Maple-Toddy-160-oz-Candle-Giant-Cookie-Jar-Candle/802046749


    The larger, 4 ft tall one will be a real pain to transport when doing shows, so keep that in mind. How thick is the glass? Would it break easily when transporting it? Can you get wicking for it? A few things to consider. I would LOVE a huge jar for personal use, I think they're really cool.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Forrest said:
    I find this thread very disturbing. First there are links to seven suppliers I didn’t even know about, this has caused me to develop a twitch in my right eye from the strain of not clicking on the links. Then there was the one link I did click on, candlemakingsupplies, they have fragrances designed just for Ultra Wax, which is a soy coconut blend; what is that all about? Do I need to try that? I think my hair may start falling out and how will I ever be able to sleep again. I think I need to make some candles this weekend, that will calm me down.



    Forrest, I get the same way when I read the fragrance threads! So, I have to BAN myself from reading them until I deplete some of the ones I already have. :laugh2:

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  3. 2 hours ago, MrDan said:

    The only problem working with two piece molds is the need to trim the excess wax, or flash. It doesn’t take a lot of practice, but a steady hand is a must! 

    They all look great! Are you mixing your own colors? 



    Yes, I'm getting better at trimming them. I got a small tool at Michael's for about $2. I get better at it as I pour more. The colors are mostly diamond dye chips. One full chip for the larger ones, and a half chip for the baby ones. I created the orange one by adding shavings of red to the orange I already had. The yellow smiley guy was a liquid dye that I had to buy "on the fly" at Michael's, until my next order arrives. More molds on the way!

  4. So here are the results of my latest mold pours. The larger owl is a whoppin' 21 ounces, and the small ones are 4.6 ounces. Mr. Smiley guy is 21.2 ounces, and the elephants weigh in at 16 ounces. I do have some special wax paint on the way to add eyeballs to the alien and the smile to the iconic smiley guy. We'll see how these "paints" work out when they arrive. I didn't scent any of these. I had a ball unmolding them. 






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  5. I did try to create the smiley face by mixing black dye into wax, then pouring it into the indentations in the mold I'm working with. Well...duh, that was an experiment gone wrong! *shudder*  I "painted" the smile and eyeballs, then was going to pour the rest of the mold after it dried...but...the "smile" I painted FELL right out of the mold, LOL! Sooo..I then poured a bit of the yellow wax over it...and..the black BLED all into the yellow die! Ugggh! Sooo, I gouged his eyes out and broke up the yellow wax and just had to repour the whole dang thing! Ah, live and ya' learn with wax! I will post it in the candle gallery when he had eyeballs and a smile, lol. He looks just like this: :)

  6. 13 minutes ago, katmeltswax said:

    I changed Butt Naked to Summer Picnic ,sells more often now . I find name changes definitely increase sales for me . I love to give scents a unique special name tag .

    Lol I have actually purchased oils b/c I like the name 😉


    Odd about the Butt Naked, when I made it in incense, they all bought it. LOL! I don't like the name, either, but many bought it just because of the name. Odd, huh? Same thing happened with "Lick Me All Over". Go figure.

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  7. Well, I did use the liquid dye I got at Michael's....took a heck of a lot of dye to get the color I wanted, but it turned out great. I guess the next time I get a liquid dye, I really need to get the stuff from an online candle supply. If I had only used a few drops, I wouldn't have gotten much color out of it. Took about 1/4 of the entire bottle to get the yellow I wanted. I am happy that the color I did get was perfect, but this would cost a fortune to use all the time, for sure! I'm working to figure out how to actually use acrylic paint on these, then I'll post them when I figure this part out, LOL! The candles I made look awesome, but they need...eyeballs!

  8. So, I just bought my first liquid dye, because I needed to get it local for a mold I want to do. I have no idea how much of this compared to my old school dye chips I need to use? The bottle says "will color 4 lbs of wax". Hmm...I thought it was merely drops to color the wax...if I pour 1/4 of this into 1 lb...who knows what I'll get! I'm looking for a vibrant yellow...how much should I start with in this case?? I got this stuff at Michael's. 

  9. I find that a good night's sleep usually helps me to "fix" bad things that happen to me, know what I mean? New day, new perspectives, new lessons learned, even when learned the hard way. Those people are left to their own now. Wait until they need you, and you are not there, right? So, awaken with a new positive morning, brew that coffee, and enjoy the beautiful morning of a new summer's day :)


    Yep, night owl here, too. I guess I just love the peace of the nighttime...

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