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Posts posted by CDGM

  1. :cool2:

    OMG those are awesome, the colors alone would attract buyers!! :D

    I've yet to use any of my FBB I got in the last co-op, just haven't found a recipe I like. :(

    Love your labels as well.

    Ok, I'm jealous, and definitely will be heading to WallyWorld to buy me some Wilton colors. :D

    Well what are you waiting for... bust it out, throw on some tunes and start mixing stuff in! lol <I find that the Eagles, Styx, Foreigner, REO...ya know oldies give you the most inspirations >

    I have found thru trial and error that more oil is required than what most websites suggest. Hey when that stuff starts slinging all over your space its funny... make a mess and have fun! :laugh2:

  2. I have been messing with this for several weeks now. Since I ordered all the mango from the co-op I figured I better find something to do with it all!

    I tortured it last weekend when we went to the mountains to see what it would do in temp changes in the trunk and altitude changes. It did melt in the trunk in my suitcase (but I expected that:D > and it set up firmer when it got back to regular room temps. It lost some of the whipped consistency, but still feels wonderful! But I much prefer the super whipped consistency.


  3. I finally got my formula just how I want it. It is a wonderful thick consistency and doesnt feel drying on the skin at all :cheesy2:

    Scented (starting purple and going clockwise)

    Raspberry Vanilla, Pink Lemonade, Waterlily and Melon, Mimosa Mandarine and Vanilla Pear.



  4. I, personally, talk to both my girls who do the candles for my shop all the time, but that wasn't an issue either way to sway me. I was swayed by the excellence of the product sample I used (one company sent me two to test burn at no charge which was wonderful as they were in completely different types of containers so I could see what other items would be like) and the other allowed me to make a small purchase of different candles at wholesale before actually becoming a buyer.

    Turnoffs to shop owners are overly pushy sales! I have one company that I requested a catalog from and I am not kidding you when I say that they call me twice weekly! Finally I told the girl that I would be ready in the fall and would call them when I was ready.

    Market time is really hectic as we get bombarded with all the new things! And as Candle Man said we are already having to plan for Christmas. My Ganz rep brought me the Christmas books last month! And Russ has theirs out already too.

  5. From the shop owners point of view i can tell you that "private labeling" and exclusive areas are a MAJOR selling point for me! Both the lines I carry are like that. It was great when someone from another shop asked me for the number of the candle maker i use and I was able to tell her "here it is but I have exclusive in a 50 mile radius". I know the customers have to come to me to get their fix!

    But with that said.... summer time is really slow for candle sales. The kids are out of school, people are planning and taking vacations etc. I use the summer to research new companies, try out candle lines and then make my decisions in late summer/early fall of what new lines to bring in.


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