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Everything posted by SouthernBelle

  1. Maya LOL! Before this adventure, I sewed. I remember being so so so proud of my first project...took it out a few years later and was like Oh, Lawdy! No! Thank goodness we grow and learn.
  2. 2018 is the year I start my soy candle business. This will be my 2nd business. The first I owned for 8 years and just grew tired of. So I sold it! And here I am. So for the question: How did you choose the overall look/feel of your brand? I know "they" say to give the customer what they want. I feel that my area would want mason jars and a burlap bow. The internal-me dies a little every time I think of a burlap bow. (no offense to the burlap, mason jar makers.) When I think of my brand it has a clean, clutter free, basic font type of look. No dyes/colored wax. Being in the deep South I feel like I need a cotton boll on the lid to get in any local retailers. So..do you do what the area feel is or step out and do what is more you?
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