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Posts posted by OFCILynn

  1. The feathered palm wax holds 6% FO so it depends on the FO Chris. The hot and cold throw are decent.

    I just made a HOT PINK, my daughters favorite color, in Love Spell and TRIED to repeat the effect that I got with the Catalpa and WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO I did! LOL I also poured one with a warmed mold and it came out perfect!! Thank You all for your help in TEACHING me WHY this was happening!

    God Bless,


  2. I ordered labels from OnlineLabels and just had to send back 3 packages of 100 each as they were way off! I thought it was my printer, ME or anything till I got out a tape measurer also and saw that they were cut wrong and way off. One side on the top was one measurement, the other side on top was a completely different measurement, hence, why they didnt print right!! They just sent me replacement labels and the measurements are better however, they are still off!

    I can print on Avery labels just fine but these round ones from OnlineLabels are terrible. I am going to have to go with a different supplier for my gold foil labels for my laser. Out of a sheet of 12, IF I am lucky, only 6 will print ON the label but still not perfect! That is such a waste of money! It is NOT because they are foil as I can do Averys address labels just fine. When I print out a test sheet on plain paper first, the print is exactally as it prints on the label sheet! Do be sure to calibrate your printer if you are able to. It helps a little!

    Good Luck!

  3. I just love palm wax!!! Yes wicking is a boop but.........oh well, I enjoy the wax so much that it is worth it to me. I just wish I could adhear ribbons and lace to this wax.

    I have to order more wax here next week and was wondering if there is a way to get the feathered palm to crystalize? The bottoms of my candles are crystalized just like if I had used the crystal palm, the tops are feathered like they should be. Is there something I can add or do to the feather wax to create a crystal effect so I can only buy the feathered palm??


  4. p1010397smallzf7.jpg

    I have no clue as to why my palm wax is doing this. I poured at 200 degrees, 6% CATALPA FO, no palm steric as I never need to use it! Notice the top of the candle is dark and solid? It is also a bit frosty. I have never had this happen before. You can see that the natural candle is just fine but there is no FO or color added. This was a one pour. I rather like the solid, dark on top but that is not how it should have been.

    TIA!! God Bless,


  5. HELP!! I have orders that I have to complete! What can be used on Palm wax to adhear items such as ribbon and beads??? Glue gun does not work. Craft glue that says it works on candles does not work. Is there some sort of clear apoxy that would work?? I tried to even use the tip of the glue gun to heat/melt some of the wax to attatch the corded ribbon and that barely worked! HELP LOL


    God Bless,


  6. When I first started making candles, I purchased ALOT of used candle dye from the classy's here! Well, now I need more! LOL Most of the dyes were so old that I couldnt even begin to use them and most of the others were so stained that I coudlnt even read the labels! LOL

    NOW, I need to buy liquid candle dye! Where do you all recommend that has the best candle dyes??

    I normally buy most of my supplies from BCN, SOS, Candlewic and Thechemistrystore.com. I will be placing my wax order here soon at BCN and believe that I would possibly buy from them! What do you all think? Who has the best in your opinions and experiances for me to test first?


    God Bless,


  7. LMBO!!! Na girl! I was actually sniffing MY design! YOU peaked my interest! LOL I got one for myself to try! Not bad! LOL Thanks! I never would have gotten it had it not been for you wanting it!

    YOURS is packed in a Jello box already to go to the PO!!

    Have fun with it and DO post pictures! LOL

    God Bless,


  8. Hello,

    I just got some of my fragrance oils today from Save On Scents. I thought Id give my opinion on them! I am judging my first opinion of these scents OOB!! I do not yet know how they will respond in wax and bath and body products!

    1. Leather- Wow, I was actually impressed with this one! I can see making a line for men and maybe adding some musk to it! Car fresheners or office candles for men would be great with this one if it responds well in wax.
    2. Coffee Cake-I can smell the almond, cinnamon, butter and a baked scent with this one.
    3. Cherry Spice-nice scent without over powering cherry notes!
    4. Country Christmas-Im not a fan of pine so this one is hard for me to judge. I smell the pine and a bit of musk along with something I cant pinpoint!
    5. Almond Biscotti-I so wanted to make a trip to our local Java house to get one after smelling this! I eat these darn things and this sure smells like one OOB!
    6. White Musk-Mild scent OOB with a slight floral scent added
    7. Banana Nut Bread-I can smell the bananas, the nuts and a nail polish remover smell OOB! LOL Hope this one does well in wax.
    8. Design Type-light floral and musk scent. Nice
    9. Musk-Mild scented
    10. Agree Type-I used to love this stuff and cant wait to try it in B&B products but OOB, it is very mild and something about it seems off.
    11. Dessert Rain-I can smell a powdering scent mixed in. Nice mixture, mild scent OOB.
    12. China Rain-Very mild scent. Hard to even smell to judge!

    There ya have it! I will post more after I have tested these scents out! Just thought Id share! Id say there are at least 8-10 winners OOB out of 12!

    God Bless,


  9. I just love Solas Catalpa!!! LOL ONLY problem with this FO is that it is NOT bath and soap safe!! I know that Chris was going to try and get it in a safe version but havent seen it listed on the site yet!!!!

    You can bet though that I will be ordering a lb of it here very soon with a very generous GC some very special people have sent to me!!!!:bow:

    God Bless,


  10. I, too am one of those with baby fine hair! It is really hard to find shampoos and conditioners that wont flatten and weigh down our hair even more!

    I have tried the store bought anti frizz serums to no avail!! They just leave my hair greasy and weighed down!! I hate products in my hair and when I do, I use a minimum amount!

    I will be watching for when Bunny creates her Fine hair formula and will give it a try!! Us fine hair people need control and body/volumizing to our formulas! LOL

    Good Luck!!!

  11. I have! I have had some good luck with MOST of the FO's that I have purchased from there! Some of the dupes were a bit off and others dead on! If you have a problem with any of the FO's that you get, contact them and they WILl do their best to make it right!! I just placed another order with them again tonight!!

    They have nice little variety FO sample packs that may be the way for you to go to try!

    Good Luck!!

    God Bless,


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