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Posts posted by OFCILynn

  1. This looks nice! However, the price for me right now doesnt. I just got done buying a laser printer a few months back so it is going to have to do me for a while but sure wish I had seen this but I would have had to buy the large model of this printer! LOL

    Good luck and please do keep us posted!!


  2. Kay, I had the same thing happen. With the palm wax being so soft, I was able to GENTLY scrape the spilled extra wax off the surface with my finger nail and then heat the rod of a wick pin and insert it downwards and allow to cool that way, then removed the wick pin and rewick. Simply done! Thank God that the palm wax is a bit forgiving as you cant tell at all where I had to gently scrape the dripped wax away. HTH

    Your candle does look very pretty!!

    Good Luck,


  3. Amazing! I used to do bead work but NEVER had I ever made roses that looked like that!!! I hope you do well with them on your site! What are you selling them for if you dont mind me asking? I love the rose buds especially!

    God Bless,


  4. Ill tell ya that I love Palm wax and making candles with them but wicking sure is tricky!! My problem is that I know not many actually burn candles the way that they are supposed to be burned so I always wick on the side of safety and those marathan burners rather than us Chandlers that know how to burn a candle properly. I would rather have a thick enough shell that wont blow out and look like a nice hurricane than to have a blowout and hot wax spilling out all over! Of course, I would much rather make a Palm pillar that would consume almost all of the wax but have yet to find wicking that will do that and accomidate those that wont trim and burn all day long! Any variances of a slight draft, wick that burns lopside, anything can cause a blowout and I hate to take that risk!!

    Personally, I love the look of the flame glowing through the beautiful feather patterns on the candle while leaving approximately a 1/4" wall.

    Thanks so much for sharing!! Maybe we all can come up with a scent that will hypotize the customer to use proper care while burning candles!! Now that would be a huge seller! LOL

    God Bless,


  5. Girl, dont worry about the Jojoba leaking!! :highfive: BUT...........if you just happen to have spare supplies that you dont have room for, Id love to try this recipe! :drool:

    Tell me, is this a good pocket or purse recipe?? How is the melting ratio of this in lip balm tubes or pots??



  6. Girl, this sounds wonderful!! I am going to have to try this one. I would love to have a naturally sweetened lip balm that I dont have to use FO's with and this sounds great!! Going to have to scrounge up some supplies on the Classys for this!!

    Thanks so much for sharing!!!!!!!



  7. Thank you so much for all of your imputs!! I belived that I was going to have to venture into EO's. I dont want to make something that is just going to smell good but actually work AND smell unlike chemicals!!

    Ill keep searching the net for EO's recipes for bug repellant that doesnt smell like chemicals or a womany scent!

    God Bless,


  8. I have yet to find conclusive info regarding using EO's vs. FO's for bug repellants. I am researching recipes for a bug lotion, lotion bars and sprays. Any great recipes that can be offered that dont have that offending scent would be wonderful and appreciated!! Also, because many of these, after full testing, I will be sending to my SIL's unit who are deployed, I dont think the guys would appreciate the lavendar scents. Any other ideas so our guys dont stink yet dont get bitten??


    God Bless,


  9. Ok folks, you have my interests peeked!! I really want to try the London Lemon Curd. I would like to sample 2oz. 1 for candles and 2 for soap. Who is the best supplier for this?? Does anyone have any that they are willing to spare??


    God Bless,


  10. If a recipe calls for Palm Kernal Oil Flakes, how can straight PK OIL be converted to use. The PKO Flakes are so much more exspensive and granted, Im sure much easier to work with but Id rather stick with the oil vs. the flakes due to expenses that I wont have to pass on to my customers! Any imput appreciated!

    God Bless,


    If a recipe calls for say 3 oz. of PKO Flakes, what would that be in PKOIL???

  11. I would like to venture into CP soap making since I have done the CPHP method! I love how fast I am able to use the soaps but do not like how thick I have to attempt to swirl, so.............CP venturing it is for me to try.

    Where would you suggest for the best tutorial for me to graphically see the process?? I hate that there arent better instructions on the tutorial page here on CT for CP.


    God Bless,


  12. Solas Catalpa is wonderful in my opinion!! I have used it in parrafin and palm wax with NO problems!!! It smells wonderful to me!! I have a some wax melts in a electric melter right now and at less than min FO load, it is scenting almost my whole house!! I love this stuff!! Im not sure what color to really use for it but I have used a almost mint green, as it goes with some of my house and those that have sampled candles from me in this scent love the color combo for it!! HTH

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