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Everything posted by Detto

  1. Thanks, Yes that what I meant. I was afraid to move the candles too soon because I didn't want to affect them.
  2. I was wondering after I pour the candle when can I move it? I use 464 and 8 oz mason jar. Also when can I cut the wick so I can put on the lid? Thanks, Detto
  3. ah ok I will keep this in mind when I start making more batches. Thank you
  4. I will do this soon. I will wait to do it for when I get the urge to do something while my candles cure. I didn't take that in to account when I just made my first batch. Well i did take in to account the FO but not the others. I melted 1 lb of wax and I ended up with 2-8 oz and 2-4 oz jars. I can not thank yall enough for the help.
  5. I like the black old timey lid with #5 label. And what about the name Ace's Neighborhood Candles or Fragrances. Its a play on their neighborhood commercials.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I actually do understand sponies math. The only problem I run into is the wax I am using is not in a block(of course not) it is in flake form. The website calculations say that if I put 7 oz water in the jar, I will need 6.02 oz of wax. I did find out that water density is 8.3 lbs per gallon and 464 wax is 7.6 lbs per gallon. Am I wrong to think that like feathers it has a lower density so it takes up more space with the same weight. That is why it takes less wax than water? I know I am making this more complicated than it needs to be. Trappeur, I am going to try to stick to the 6% per pound right now until i can get everything else correct. I want to keep the variables down for messing up. Before I ordered my FOs I made sure they work in the 464 so I know the problem is me and not the FO. I don't exactly under the repours part. You put the wax in a dixie cup and just put it in the double boiler to heat it back up to top off candles that have imperfections? I guess I will have to learn from trial and error. Birdcharm, Thanks for the help with the ratios but since I am starting off I am trying to stay with the 1lb wax to 1 oz of FO. Just to make sure I get everything else correct. I know I have extra and that is fine for now. I do appreciate the measurement. I will have to keep that in mind once I get everything else right.
  7. Thanks for the help. I am going to make more than 1 candle so I can test the wicks. It will be faster if I make a batch with the different wicks because of the 2 week curing time. I am confused on the math now. I will be using the Kerr 8oz quilted jelly jars. I thought even though it was an 8oz jar it wouldn't filled all the way to the top. I was figuring around 6.5 -7 oz. in the jar. I got that from a post I read about measure with water then multiply by .8 . Does anyone know about the wicks? Or should I only order from one place on wicks?
  8. Hello, I have been researching for a little while now, and I just placed my first order. After I placed my order I decided I would be using a different jar because of cost and availability. I was going to use the 8oz square mason jars but after looking at cost. I can get the 8oz quilted jars for a lot less at Walmart with no shipping. I ordered GB 464 wax with CD-10 and 12 wicks because I read most said to start with those for the square jars. Since I am using a smaller diameter I am guessing i need to go smaller. If I order CD wicks samples from different sites are they going to be the same wicks so after testing I can order them from where ever I am going to order for the next order? I have also notice the CD wicks on Amazon are not a 6 inch, they are 5 inch. Also, I was wondering if extra wax can be used for melts/tarts with 464? I don't know if my math is correct or not but if i do 1 lb of wax and 1 ounce of FO I do not think I will be able to get 3 - 8oz candles, I think I might be able to get 2- 8oz jars and 1- 4oz jar but i'm not sure. Thanks, Detto
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