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Everything posted by craftyzke

  1. For those who use the Fragrance Oil Modifier from Rustic Essentials, can you help? I'm a little confused about the ratios to use when adding it to my product. Thanks!
  2. It seems I "lose" so much wax as it is cooling in the pouring pot. How do you let your wax cool to the proper pouring temperate without it solidifying along the walls of the pouring pot? I think I "lose" enough wax for an entire candle, and the pot has to go back into the water bath to met it back down. There has to be a more efficient way to pour without going back to the water bath every time!
  3. Is anyone familiar with the wax melters sold by Waxfast? Opinions...reviews? http://www.ebay.com/usr/waxfast?_trksid=p2047675.l2559 Thanks, Dorene
  4. Soon, I plan to purchase my first wax melter! I've read through the threads and have an idea what I'd like to purchase, so this is not intended to be a discussion on melters. I'd appreciate your feedback on the following: 1.) Looking back to when you migrated to the "next level" of production, what would you do differently? 2.) How did you plan for increased production? Assuming you still mixed fragrance and color into individual pots, how did you develop efficiencies when only mixing three-four pounds at a time? 3.) How did you plan to utilize extra wax from your pours? 4.) Any additional feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
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