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Posts posted by Chariste

  1. I have used stearic to help with mold release in novelty candles but other than that, I'm with the others. Test, test, test and accept that some combos of FO, wax, and wick just don't work lol. And some are amazing! I have experienced the frustration, but it is also part of the fun. To find the right combo that provides an amazing result is part of what I love about this pursuit.

  2. Update on 4627 wax, don't mean to kinda hijack this thread but wanted to post an update on the performance of the new 4627. As I posted earlier, the 4627 I purchased from The Candlemakers Store could not handle more than a 4-6% FO load from cinnamon, blueberry, or even caramel apple scents. I just poured a fresh tester using 4627 purchased from Lonestar. Differences in the wax in the bag include a firmer texture plus a white "frothy" or whipped appearance in the top/sides of the wax from TCM store vs Lonestar's wax which is "froth" free and has a somewhat softer, creamier texture. The Lonestar wax exhibited a somewhat opaque appearance as it melted and, once fully melted, reminded me of soft soap in that i could see swirls in the wax as I stirred even up to 180 degrees. I added .94 oz. Pumpkin Pie Spice FO (9%) and it mixed in ok, there were suspended particles visible in the wax but nothing settled to the bottom as it did in TCM store wax. I am cautiously optimistic and will update once I start the burn. It seems silly that wax made from the same manufacturer is not the same from different retailers. As I stated before, don't want to sound like The Candle Makers Store is subpar, have had great service from them, just wanting to relay my experience in the hope it helps someone else. :)  Also, YAMS, I am testing this pour in a 12 oz square Victorian with a 51-32-18z. I had initially settled on the 60-44-18z but by the end of the test burn, I thought a test of the 51 would not be out of line. Hope you are doing well and making progress.

  3. It's not the wicking that is giving me fits with those scents, it is that the wax will not accept much of those types of scents. Blueberry cobbler, for example, will only work up to a 5% concentration, some of the scents with cinnamon only up to 6%. I mixed several summer scents in 4627, including Very Vanilla, up to 10% with no issues but that wax was from Lonestar. So I am just wondering if 4627 simply does not like those scents or if maybe I just lucked out with a bad batch from Candlemakers. Let me say that Candlemakers has excellent customer service and all other products ordered from there have been great. I don't want to seem like I'm bad mouthing them, I'm just trying to diagnose the issue. :) 


    I try to initially choose wicks for doubles based on their performance properly single wicked. If a single will only work well in a 1" tea light, let's say, that would not be my first choice to double in a 4" for example. Seems like all testing really starts with a best first guess then work from there based on result. I don't sweat it any more, it's just a reality that testing each configuration is the only way to refine the product. Sounds like you are doing great, thanks for your response!

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  4. I have not double wicked 4627 but have been testing doubles in a Libbey 22oz. jar with Advanced. At the moment I concentrate on making sure the wicks are centered yet have about 1" between them. I am on my third set of testers as it seems I either wick too hot or too small! Lol But I'll get there soon enough. By the by, settled on the 60-44-18z for those 12 oz Victorian jars and 44-24-18z for the little 10oz hex and classic jars. I scent at 9%-10%.


    Have you had any issue with the 4627 accepting cinnamon or blueberry scents, assuming you've tried them? I just got in a new batch from Lonestar because I became suspicious of the batch I have been using from The Candle Makers Store. Any insight you may have on that would be appreciated! 

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  5. I use Advanced but have had no trouble scenting at 9%. Used 464 for a bit and don't recall any issues at that level. My tester friends rave over the throw (oh my intransigent nose!!). I don't know about Yankee, but several friends have complained about how quickly commercial candles burn and are impressed by the burn times my candles have achieved. I enjoy knowing that, after all the testing, sweating and, yes, occasionally swearing lol, I am creating a unique, quality product that people appreciate and enjoy.

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  6. I typically get a power burn in at least once on each candle. But I don't necessarily judge the candle on its power burn results. I am right there with you, PixieJ, on wanting to be as cautious as possible. But I also realize there is no way to make sure people candle responsibly. Lol I go with best burn first which, thus far, has yielded at least marginal but satisfactory results on power burns.

  7. I have only been making candles for a few months and have easily been through 100 pounds of wax in testing! I have pages and pages of notes and refer to them often, cannot stress enough how important that is. Wick sample packs were invaluable for me, as well, and can save some money as you zero in your candles.  Don't get discouraged, it is a long haul but very gratifying! 

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  8. I use 60-44-18 zinc wicks in 10 oz classic containers and have been using LX 30 in a 12 oz Victorian with 4627. These were, in fact, the first two containers that tested out. I am considering retesting the Vics with a different wick, however, as the performance of the LX is looking to be somewhat spotty. A word of caution regarding 4627 and fall scents, however. This wax has proven disastrous to work with blueberry scents and any spiced/cinnamon scents! Just my own experience, but it cannot seem to handle more than a 5% FO load with these scents whereas the Palm and soy wax (444 and Eco Soya Advanced) have no issue. Test for yourself, of course, just sharing what I have experienced so far.

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