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Posts posted by iluvsoy

  1. Hello all. I have a friend who makes soy candles. I didn't dare ask for her "recipe" so to speak. I came across this board through a Google Search. I have been doing a lot of reading on this board but thought that I would officially "join".


    I ordered a soy starter kit from the following companies:


    Millcreek Soy Wax - I chose: Watermelon, Strawberry Jam and MacApple

                                    I loved all of the scents but those candles were really strong...the wick seemed like it was really hot for that jar and had a huge black ball...on it.   In this kit, it was

                                    recommended to use 1.5 oz of fragrance oil per pound of wax. The wick was 62 cotton and the jar was a 16 oz dodecogon jar. The jar was really nice.  This kit came with

                                    415 wax.


    Then I tried...


    The Flaming Candle - I chose Black Raspberry Vanilla and Tropical Fruit

                                   This kit came with EcoSoya Xcel wax which was ok I guess....I think I liked the 415 better. It came with 8 oz jelly jars and eco 10 wicks. I liked how the wicks burned but got no

                                    scent from my candles at all. I was a little disappointed. I liked the melt pool that I got with this wicking and I got no soot at all.



    Bittercreek -          I got this kit with EZSoy which was nice with 8 oz jelly jars again. It came with the cd wicks....I think I like those best out of all of them. The scents were creme brulee and

                                    verbena berry. They burned great for a while with no black ball on them and seemed to burn to one side when burning for a while but eventually cleaned up the entire jar

                                     about 1/2 way down. This was probably my favorite kit of all. However towards the bottom of the jar, the flame got really big even though I cut it short and sooted a little bit

                                     on the top of the jar...


    There are a few more kits that I would like to try....candlescience has one and so does aztec.. I am very new to this but I am excited to learn....I would appreciate any help that you can offer. I have been reading and I notice a lot of people on here use the 464 wax. Is it a nice wax and how does it compare to the bittercreek one? I really like that wax and kit that I got from them. I like those wicks if they didn't soot my jar.

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