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Candle guy

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Posts posted by Candle guy

  1. Glory,

    I understand that it is close to the holidays and believe me I work my butt off around this time of year. I am not trying to be pushy so sorry if I am coming across like that. I value everyone's input. I am the kind of person who wants to perfect my craft and I am very detail oriented. I have researched all over believe me on tricks and tips. Wisdom is the key lol. I just wish that I was in a position to help others out like you guys do for all of us. Thanks for tolerating me hahahaha

  2. Trappeur,

    Thank you very much! I definitely will agree with you on finding the right temp and suppliers.I have pretty much come to that conclusion lol. Embracing the frost is soooooooo tough to do hahaha but you have a great point though. I should go dye free because it will really save me headaches. Well thanks again Trappeur and back to testing testing testing. Have a great day

  3. Thank you very much debratant! I will definitely test those out. Sorry to bother you. Seems like there are not many 4627 users on here lol. I like the wax actually and would love to master it. I actually called aztec and was asking questions regarding temps and so on. They told me to pour at a low temperature around 150. It's all so confusing hahahahahahahaha

  4. Sorry for the many posts. I have researched through many many forums in regards to igi4627 but still haven't found an answer lol. I am new in working with 4627. I don't know why but I really like this wax however I am having some issues. I have to repour 95% of my candles. I have to heat the wax close to 195 to get it to melt completely. I then add dye and stir, fragrance and stir, then pour immediately. After an hour of setting, the candle will have a dip in the middle but still adhered to the sides on every candle. I then repour and it's fine. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Do I mix the dye and frag in the wax while it's still on the burner then take off and pour? I am pouring into 8oz masons, 10oz 12 sided jars, 8oz jellies, and pint masons. I would love to post a pic but having issues. Also need help with tons of wetspots plaguing my jars after it cures. Jars were cleaned well before pours. Any wick suggestions for the 12 sided and regular mouthed pint masons? Thanks everyone

  5. Thanks guys,

    I just made a couple more testers. I find that I need to heat this wax to 195 before it melts everything in the pot. Seconds after I take it off heat it drops to 185. I added dye, fragrance and stirred for 2 minutes. Bubbles were in the pot as I poured but oh well I guess lol. Any ideas on wicking a 10 oz 12 sided jar or maybe where to start? I have htp, zinc, cd, ecos and premiers. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Oh also any idea for pint masons?

  6. Debratant,

    No pics right now because I am at my full time job lol. I have tried loading pics on here b4 and it never let's me for some reason. The wax was bubbly in the pot but not extremely bubbly. I was thinking maybe it was cold. In regards to the caving, the sides were well adhered to but it looked like something was pulling it down from underneath centered on the wick. Almost like jumping on a trampoline haha. Best way to describe it. Anyhow I repoured it and it was fine. Maybe I didn't fill the wax up high enough? I will be testing them tonight and see which wick works best.So my pour temp sounded about right?

  7. Hello everyone,

    I am a new user in regards to 4627. I have heard a lot of great things about this wax. I have an abundance of Wicks now. I have cd,premiers,ecos,htp and zincs. Last night I attempted to try my hand at the wax. Messy but not too bad. I am unsure of the temps of how high to heat, pour and all of that. I made 2 testers of Candle Science Mac apple using htp 83 and 93 wicks. I heated to 185 or so and the wax was bubbly in the pot and took a bit to finally melt. After I stirred and added 6% fragrance and stirred more I added dye of 3 drops red and stirred. I immediately poured into my square 8oz mason jars. They sat for a couple hours wrapped in towels. I came back and checked and both jars had tiny bubbles on the inside of the jars and a wetspots luckily on the very bottoms. Lastly the top was caved in about an inch around the wick. I repoured and it looks great. My questions are is this normal with this wax and what is a good temp to heat to and pour? The test burn will be upcoming. Any help I will greatly appreciate it. Thanks

  8. Chuck thank you for the reassurance. Everyone I talk to tell me a dancing flame is one of their favorite aspects of a candle. My candles have great scent throw and a good melt pool. I agree that there will always be a draft but I try to minimize them. I usually put one inside of a bathroom with the door shut and no air through the vents (well to the best of my knowledge lol). I appreciate the input. Thank you

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