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Posts posted by giedre11

  1. Yes, I absolutely vote for SFIC too. I have tried the Stephenson's bases, and while they were ok, their shea butter soap had such an oily smell to it that even FOs could not cover it up...I ended up giving that away. I think SFIC's bases lather much better than Stephensons. The only thing about SFIC is that their extra clear base in not the clearest, but still better in my mind.

  2. My vote is for Vanilla Bean from Brambleberry...the soaping one. Haven't tried the Vanilla Bean for candles yet, but hope to soon. It's more expensive but very worth it. It {paraffin pillar} scented the whole house!

    I lifted this straight from their site, they explain the difference between vanilla bean and their vanilla select as such:

    Vanilla Bean: This fragrance is a more subtle, laid back Vanilla than our Vanilla Select. Reminiscent of a classic sophisticated Vanilla liqueur, this version is a round, creamy scent in soap. Vanilla Bean is Vanilla Select's less-sweet, more sophisticated cousin. Expect the scent of Kahlua liqueur (present in the bottle) to disappear in your soap, leaving just a rich Vanilla. This scent will discolor brown in all soaps. and is not suitable for gel candles.

  3. OMG!! Yes, I can't believe it, that is absolutely wonderful news :yay: :yay: Please, please count me in!

    As for suggestions, how about keeping us "little guys" {non-sellers} in mind. I for one would love to see different techniques in making candles, such as tie-dying candles...tried it, won't work for me. Plus other candle techniques, I know some have already been discussed on this board here, but if it was in a magazine I'd have ready access to it: balloon candles, using two piece candle molds correctly {read: I can't get rid of the seam!} There are so many others.

    Would love to see charts on wicks, perhaps a question and answer column, a trouble shooting column...pics of beautiful candles to inspire me, such as I've seen on this board. Maybe something about how different waxes "work", gosh I don't know, there's so much you can put in there! Stuff like decorating your candles, packaging, etc. I am so looking forward to this! :drool:

  4. I am just loving this scent. I've got many bars made up in M&P with it. I always make up my own scent by combining the FOs. Has anybody ever tried this scent in CP?? Will the grapefruit hold up? You know how the citrus FOs just don't hold. I have made patchouli orange...I scent mine very strongly-this scent has held up in year old bars...heck I think it's now going on two years! Hmm, maybe a vanilla/grapefruit/patch?? What do you think?

  5. If you use a clear coat on scented pillars, be it liquid you dip in or the spray, you will not be able to smell the candle. If my customers cant smell it they wont buy it. Also the coating does not protect from nicks & scratches. To me a coated candle looks worse when it gets scratched.

    Ooooh! I didn't realize that! Thank you so much! I have a hard time smelling my candles in the first place {I smoke too much!} Plus with all the different scents from the soaps and candles, it's really hard for me to tell. Oh well, that pretty much kills it for me.:sad2:

  6. I've used a couple of cans of this, and it makes my paraffin pillars look much better. I've seen pillars where the overspray makes them look like glass and it looks so pretty to me. Does anyone else use this? It's so darn expensive because you have to spray them twice, but any nicks or other imperfections seem a lot less noticeable when you do spray them! :grin2: Anybody know where you can get that super glass like spray for the pillars? TIA

  7. Have been reading some outstanding reviews of Indonesian Teak from Greenleaf. Of course I had to get some and am glad I did! Of course, I had to get just a couple of others and got the two mentioned above. Can't say enough about how nice they smell! If you want to try something different I would highly recommend these two also! :grin2:

  8. I too use Candlewic's palm waxes, but have never added stearic. My pillars come out of their molds easily...all except this one mold I have...it is one of those pyramid type molds and I have not even been able to get my paraffin pillars out of that one! The palm 2 which is the crystallizing one comes out with a consistent pattern. The palm 3 which is the feathering wax is forever surprising me with it's patterns and it's a lot of fun to work with.

  9. I don't use the astorlite PQ, but do use palm wax. It's funny, but if you search through the archives there seems to be a difference of opinion as to how palm throws. Some say it's fantastic, while others say it's worse than paraffin. I don't feel like I have been making palm candles long enough to have an opinion. I can say that the one candle I did make that threw like the dickens was a palm container candle. I used only 1 oz./ppo and it was so strong, it gave me a headache. I think that most likely a lot of it will depend on the FO itself, but like I said, I don't really know at this point.

    As far as the wax changing colors after it burns, I have only noticed that on my purple palm candles...but it only changes to a different shade of purple. Hmm, I wonder could it actually be the dye you're using? Anyway, just a thought. I have no other color changes on any of palm candles.

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