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Posts posted by jfear

  1. Shoot. It wouldn't let me copy and paste it here. But if you look on post #90 that is the 'best pumpkin' combo I discovered.

    30% CS Pumpkin Pie

    30% CS Pumpkin Soufle

    40% AH Pumpkin Pie

    When you read through that discussion thread keep a notebook and pencil handy to copy down some of the awesome combo blends! That discussion should be in the pumpkin hall of fame! LOL

    Wow! Thank you for this information! I will definitely try CandleSciences Pumpkins; incidentally, who does "AH" stand for?

  2. I use KY's pumpkin pie spice and love it, but the only other one I tried was JS and I couldn't get it to throw for me. I may have gotten a bad bottle though because I've read good things about hers. I still have the bottle so I may have to try it again and see if I did something wrong, which could be the case for sure.


    As far as Halloween FO's, I guess candy corn would be good but I can't find one that smells good, To me they all have a plastic or some kind of smell that isn't good. 

    I do like headless horseman from ICS though.


    Thanks! Is "KY" the new Rustic Escentuals?

    • Like 1
  3. Hello everyone!

    I'm getting in the Halloween spirit (early as always) and I was wondering if anyone knows

    who carries the best pumpkiny-spice FO?

    I use SaveonScents for my novelties but their bakery FOs are underwhelming and chemical-ish.

    I love Peak, are any of their pumpkins great?

    Any Halloween FOs that you think are stellar I would love to know!

    Thanks in advance!

  4. Hello everyone!

    I'm getting in the Halloween spirit (early as always) and I was wondering if anyone knows

    who carries the best pumpkiny-spice FO?

    I use SaveonScents for my novelties but their bakery FOs are underwhelming and chemical-ish.

    I love Peak, are any of their pumpkins great?

    Any Halloween FOs that you think are stellar I would love to know!

    Thanks in advance!

  5. Hey everyone!

    I wanted to know more about the incense making process; I can't seem to find any info other than everyone saying how easy it is!

    I purchased some charcoal sticks from SOS and did a 50/50 mixture, soaked overnight, and dried out for two days. I'm having some initial black smoke issues...

    Can anyone give me some tips, I would LOVE to know more about the process to reduce the black smokiness.

    Any tips from incense makers would be awesome, thanks!

  6. What size diameter are your pillars?

    I love my flat braids for my paraffin pillars. Sometimes they do seem to curl to one side, so when prepping my mold, I twist them. That way they twist when burning, and I get a better, more even burn that way.

    @Jcandleattic, my pillars are two inch diameter. I use an 80/20 blend with low melt container paraffin (I love the smooth look). I think this is why I have issues with the flat braid. The wick flops over and the melt pool is SO off center. Not to mention even with an 18 flat the flame is huge! I would LOVE to get the flat to work for me but until then I'm going to be using Peak's cotton cores.

    I will continue to test the flats; I'll try the twisting technique you recommend, thanks!

  7. I had been wondering if priming them effects the burn so this info helps.

    I had been using wick pins with my small pillars and wicking with c-50 from Peak. I decided today that I can't stand the look of a "wick-pinned" pillar anymore so I'm going back to molded in flat-braid.

    Off note; The flame sometimes seems too large for me with flat braid; is this just a trimming issue? I'm using 4625/4786 blend 5% FO and only an 18ply. The flat braid scares me a bit, but I REALLY love the "homemade" look for my pillars.

  8. Hello everyone!

    I've recently started using 4625; I want a higher melt point for the Summer months. I am having SO MANY issues with this wax! Seriously EVERYTHING that could go wrong with my pillars has. Transparency issues, cracking issues, and relief holes that won't fill!

    I pour at 180 to reduce the transparency, I poke relief holes and my re-pour is around 180-185. I made a pillar yesterday and I could not bear the look of it so I broke it in half to remelt and my relief holes were empty. How did this happen?!!

    I normally use a 4786/1343 blend which is awesome; smooth, opaque, killer scent throw and relief holes that aren't empty!

    Could the experts of 4625 please share some advice or tips for this wax? I don't want to give up on it just yet...

    Thanks so much!

  9. Hello everyone!

    There are countless threads regarding 4625 but I can't seem to find much info regarding its opacity, or lack thereof.

    I ordered some recently from Peak; I wanted something with a higher melt point for the warmer weather. I expected this wax to be creamy and opaque much like my 4786, but it's not even close!

    This wax is super transparent; I've tried pouring at a range of temps in the few pillars I've made but they all come out with a transparent/rustic/layered look.

    The hotter I pour the better but it's still not as opaque as I was hoping for. I made an 80/20 blend with 4786 and it helped but not by much.

    Does this wax vary by supplier for anyone; does anyone else find it to be inordinately transparent?

  10. As for spooled wicking, molding a hole in a pillar and sticking a tabbed wick through it says to me “factory” and it says “cheap.” Some people get up in arms about that statement, but sorry molding a pillar around a wick is the way the craft is done and always has been. The other way is a shortcut, and even commercial candles aren't tabbed except for the lowest end stuff. Anyone who does that would make me happy by not putting “Made in USA” on their product.




    I love what you state here, to which I concur.  :)


    Although I ADORE the burn and consistency of pre-tabbed, I hold much disdain for a "cheap" looking candle! Spooled wick is so esthetically pleasing; a pure handmade home-poured look.

    I wick-pinned one today, cut the tab off the cotton core and melted the bottom of the candle on a hot baking sheet. Albeit esthetically pleasing, I feel as though I cheated! :P  This method gave me the best of both worlds I suppose!


    I appreciate your input regarding pillars with spooled wick; and I super-appreciate your old-school approach! 

    • Like 2
  11. Hello everyone!

    Could someone please explain to me why flat or square braid is recommended for pillars?

    I have made quite a few 2 x 3.5 pillars lately; all with varied wicks. I use an 80/20-4625/4786 blend. I made a few with 18ply flat braid; and the inconsistency is killing me! Some burn beautifully centered and others well, just suck. The curl of the braid is off-putting to me.

    I adore zincs for their consistent flames but the mushrooming drives me mad; I've settled with Peaks Cotton Cores which I find far more consistent than flat braids. No curling and a consistent flame!

    So, I would love to know scientifically why the flat is recommended; incidentally, are there any tips perhaps I am missing out on to gain more consistency with spooled wick? Moreover, since I am so pleased with my cotton core, are there any specific reasons why some choose spooled over pre-tabbed?

    Thanks in advance for your much valued feedback!

  12. I received and tried my Penreco medium density; the difference is astonishing!

    This gel is AWESOME; I also poured at a hotter temp (thanks Vicky), the gel sticks beautifully to the paraffin, no issues!

    For anyone else contemplating the purchase of 'Gelly Wax' for drizzling application, don't! Use Penreco medium or high density!

    • Like 1
  13. Hello!

    I've been making paraffin candles for quite some time and I want to add some fun, gelatinous texture to the tops of my dessert candles.

    I'm a newbie to gel; I bought "Gelly Wax" from Amazon, ugh. I'm having a heck of a time getting the gel to even remotely stick to the paraffin. After many relentless attempts today, I ordered some Penreco medium density.

    Can anyone tell me how Penreco gel differs? I'm assuming and hoping it's better!

    Any dessert chandlers out there have advice I would immensely appreciate it!


  14. As much as I love 4627, it is one tough wax to wick! After relentless struggles with HTPs I tried LX. I found a slight difference but I just couldn't escape the wild flames of straight 4627!

    Now I blend it with other waxes, mostly 4786, with way better results!

    So, to answer your question, I think LX are better for straight 4627 and work awesome with blends.

  15. I know, weak is weak! I'm not looking to fix them per say, just looking for different methods of making them work. I gave up on making candles with some of SOS's FOs due to the weakness or the dreaded fuel smell. I now use some of my favs strictly for tarts/wax melts.

    I made some tarts today with 4786; I was previously using a 4627/1343 blend and the FO seemed a lot weaker. They came out great with the new wax, strong enough for a novelty effect.

    I wish I could find novelty suppliers with quality FOs but until then I'll work with what I've got!

    Thanks for the feedback! :)

  16. Hello!

    I appreciate in advance your expertice and advice.

    I find FOs from SOS to be on the weaker side, even in the "Xtreme" concentration.

    I know the best formula is 1oz per lb, and adding more than that can actually weaken scent throw, but does this same rule apply for weak FOs?

    Also, do you think a weaker FO should be added at a lower temp? I know it needs to bind but I feel as though 180 is burning off some of the strength, I can't afford to lose anymore!

    Some might say, why not use a stronger FO? SOS sadly is the only company I've found who offer really obscure novelties. Until I make my own I need to tweak with theirs.

    Any thoughts or experience with weak FOs?


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