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Posts posted by Budgie

  1. Thanks everyone for the replies. It was all very helpful. I guess I wasn't seeing all the good things that could come of it. I think I will probably do it and see about putting my name on the label as the manufacturer.

    Now, one more question... does anyone have a contract that they wouldn't mind sharing? I am utterly clueless as to what to write in a contract and I don't want to screw it up. Thanks so much for all of your help.:)

  2. I just made a huge mistake and ordered the CBA rather than the CB 135. Can anyone give me an opinion on if I made a good mistake or a bad mistake?


    Personally, I like the CB-135 better. I could never get the CBA to get a good cold or hot throw. It does stick to the sides of the jar well, the tops were always smooth and I could pour it at a higher temp. And I know a lot of people who use it and just love it. It just never worked that great for me.

  3. I was just approached the other day by someone who wanted me to do private label. I'm on the fence about what to do. On the one hand, it would bring in money for the business, but on the other hand I want to get my name out there and I don't want other people taking credit for my work.:undecided I'm wondering what your thoughts are about doing private label. Right now it seems the only reason to do it would be for money and that doesn't seem like a good reason to me. Am I missing something? Are there other good reasons for doing it that I'm not seeing?:confused: Thanks for any help and advice.

  4. Yes. I asked to speak to the owner and they said that he is not going to speak to me. So I dont even know if he knows about this situatoion. She is now trying to back paddle and see what she can do to amke me happy. I asked to speak to the owner and she told me no. The company is BCN

    That's interesting that it was BCN. I had ordered a 1 oz sample fragrance from them once and they sent me the wrong one. They wanted me to send it back and they would send the new one. There was no way in hell I was going to pay shipping to send a 1 oz sample back so I never did and I did get the new fragrance. I don't understand why they don't just eat the cost though. They're a big enough company. I've had smaller companies than them that have eaten the cost of a lot larger mistakes. I don't like ordering from them because 99% of the time something goes wrong with my order - usually something little that's not worth complaining about, but annoying all the same. That's really a shame how they handled the whole situation.

  5. I love those 3 scents! I use Island Kola Nut and Leha Leha at 3% in soy and they are very strong. I've only used the Persimmons & Water Orchid in lotions, but it is very strong in the lotions as well. All very nice scents though. I'm sure you'll like them.

    • Do you do your own taxes?
    • Do you hire a CPA to do your taxes?
    • What is considered tax-deductible? (what does it mean?)
    • What is itemized taxes?
    • Inventory? (What do you need to keep track of? how often?)
    • Do you need to report taxes frequently, or just once a year?
    • Is there a book that explains what you have to do or keep track of in your business?
    • Did you create a business plan first before opening for business?
    • How did you learn how to run your business?

    I found these two books to be helpful with taxes and record keeping.

    422 Tax Deductions for Businesses & Self-Employed Individuals (422 Tax Deductions for Businesses & Self-Employed Individuals, 3rd ed)

    by Bernard B. Kamoroff

    Small Time Operator

    by Bernard B. Kamoroff

    I definitely hire someone to do my taxes though because I don't want to screw it up and she can usually find more deductions than I would even know of. I only report taxes once a year because my business is still really small. And just about all I've learned about running a business I read in books.

    Hope this helps a little bit.:smiley2:

  6. I've tested about 5 or 6 different waxes and I've found it depends on the wax and the scent too. Some candles needed about 2 weeks to cure and others were good the next day. If I burn the next day and don't smell anything, I'll usually wait about 1-2 weeks to see if it improves. I haven't noticed this to be the case with tarts. For me, they usually smell good the day after they are made.

  7. I just wanted to let everyone know that I heard back from the company again today and this is what they said:

    Hello again,

    I spoke with the owner of Ooohlala of Beverly Hills today and she apologizes for the condition of the candle and would like to send you a replacement . If you would please forward us your information we would more than happy to get one out to you. She is also checking with our manufacturer on this issue. Thanks again for bringing this up to our attention.

    Best Wishes,

    Andrea Junca

    Sales Associate

    The Worthington Group LLC.

    DBA: OoohLaLa of Beverly Hills

    I think this was great of them to do this. Actually, this is what I expected in the first place, but better late than never. I just wanted to post an update to let everyone know that the company did step up and take care of the situation.

  8. the irs people (3 different ones) said I had to include the value of my molds, and equipment used in the inventory values... I didn't think this made sense but that is what I was told by them.. does anyone know anything about this.. I really wasn't sure they understood what I was asking them.

    do you all include all your equipment in the inventory value and if so isn't there a depreciation of equipment value???



    Hmmm, I've never heard of that before. I usually include my equipment in my expense report under non-deductible and let my cpa figure it out. I thought she put it separate from inventory though.

  9. After that letter I would say they don't care what you have to say.Well with the safety issue that is HOG WASH.They are to big and don't care IMO.They may have lots and lots of problems but you happened to be nice and honest and treated like this.They could have said please return and your money will be refunded if you are not satisfied.Instead they say fix it yourself and don't worry about getting BURNED.You know that safety thing.


    We all need to keep this company in mind.

    Yeah, I would have thought they would have shown a bit more concern. I would never tell a customer to fix it themselves. Even if they didn't give me my money back I would think they would at least send out a decent candle. Crazy!

  10. OMG WOW....I cant believe that one. I would think they would have a little more common sense (as well as PR) provided all the press they get. Budgie that sucks on both ends for you, but at least you have something in your files now of what NOT to sell.

    Exactly Indescent! I know what not to sell and I know what I don't want my customer service to be like.:P

  11. So, I sent an email to the company with a picture of the candle and this is the response I got:

    Thank you for brining your problem to our attention, and we do apologize that you were unhappy with your purchase. Once the candle begins to burn it can very easily be moved to the center for aesthetic appeal, and we assure you is not a safety hazard. We do however understand and appreciate your feedback and will look further into the specifics at our manufacturer. Take care.


    Andrea Junca

    Sales Associate

    The Worthington Group LLC.

    DBA: OoohLaLa of Beverly Hills


    I don't understand how they can say that is not a safety hazard?!?!?

    I'm speechless!

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