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Posts posted by candlebean

  1. I am full of stupid questions today, but we're all friends right? I want to use bottles similar to these (#4007-03) to put EO in for oil burners.


    But my stupid question is, how do you squeeze a few drops out if this is a glass bottle? Or do you just turn it upsidedown and a drop falls out? I know, stupid me today, but I am so overtired it's not even funny. And the little white thing on #4007-03 is what makes a eurodropper a eurodropper right? or is that white part an orifice (Sp?) reducer?

  2. Now you have me thinking - I bought mine so long ago that I don't remember if they're clear or not. :undecided I ended up not using them yet because I was concentrating on other things and haven't gotten back to perfecting my recipe for my lotion bars. I will double check tonight when I get home....but you're probably right :D

  3. Ok, I've been going over this over and over again in my mind and can't seem to come up with a solution that I'm happy with.

    I want to get labels printed for my container candles and I couldn't decide on the background color because whatever I picked it would look funny with at least one of my candle colors (at least in my mind). So I figured I would go with clear. My mind was happy for a short time until I realized that I wouldn't be able to read my label on a black candle. So, I am looking for your opinions...

    Would it look better to have all clear labels on the containers and then have a silver label on the black candle or would it make more sense to have all silver labels? This is such a silly problem, but I have been wrestling with it for a couple of weeks now. If anyone else has had this problem, please let me know what you decided to do! I have so much trouble making some of the most routine decisions! :embarasse

  4. Oooh I know. Me me me!!

    I store mine in those drawer containers you can get @ Target. I have 2 3 drawer bins. So I get my bags, and just dump them into the correct bin. I like these as oppossed to flip tops because you have to actually move stuff around to get to the bottom one. This way just open a drawer and voila! HTH

    I'm even too lazy to open a drawer! I got this thing at KMart that has three rows of bins - I think they are actually for kids rooms to organize their little shoes, toys, books,whatever...I label each bin with what type of wick is in there and just fill em up. Then I can just reach over and grab what I need. They work out so well. I got mine on sale for around $30 or so and it has 12 bins, three different sizes I believe. I use the bigger bins for storing tins, etc.

  5. Thank you so much for the info...now I just have to hope my willpower can hold off long enough for me to finish working on the other recipies I have in the hopper right now before I order this too :tiptoe: .....deep breaths LOL.

  6. Does the body glaze have a scent to it that you need to cover up? I have a body butter base from another company that I LOVE, but it does have a smell all of it's own and I can only use really strong scents to cover it...I was just wondering if this stuff was odorless because I want to be able to use some of my lighter scents too....

  7. I think I found the best price on Emu oil from Camden Grey....they had quite a few of the things I needed when I first started with B&B. And the shipping was really fast too - I'm very happy with them and with my Emu juice (as DH likes to call it).

  8. Some animals are better than others - a lot of candle supply companies sell plush animals for dipping - JMO, but I think it would be better to stick with those over something you might find at the dollar store or something. I know a lot of people say to use a harder wax, but I'm a black sheep and use 100% soy wax flakes - they are awesome and I'll never use anything else. I get my flakes from the wax teddy bear company.

  9. I go through white bears the most because I can make them any color....I was going to order the multi case from Peak where you get 12 of each color - they came out to $2.75 a bear that way. I'm all out of bears right now - totally bearless! LOL. If you have some 7.5 in. scraggles that you are willing to part with, send me a PM with the price and I'll check it out! I'm not in dire need (YET) but these are good sellers at the holidays...

  10. I'm waiting for the white dipping bears to be back in stock - I emailed them a month and a half or so ago and they said it would take 3-4 weeks - I feel like a true addict checking everyday to see if they are here. First and Main is having a special on just white bears, for the same price as Peak, but you have to spend $125. I was thinking about doing a co-op for just the white ones, but I've never done one before and don't want to screw it up for everyone LOL. I've been dying to try Breakfast at Tiffany's too, and figured I would just get a sample size when I ordered my bears but I didn't think it would take this long. Not complaining, I'm just impatient! Please Peak's! Where are the bears?! :drool:

  11. I have never had a problem with C&S either...maybe I'm just lucky with the FOs - I get a lot from them as well as a lot of my jars. They have always been very helpful to me as well - I've never called them, but they respond to my emails very quickly. The only FOs I ever got from them that I didn't like was Buttermilk pancakes and fresh baked bread. don't know what I was thinking when I ordered those two! I know some people don't like them, but like I said, I've never had a problem, and I've ordered from them many many times.

  12. Do you know what's in their oils? First I was thinking I would have to add oil enhancer to it, but thought that might be too strong or a fire hazard....unless DPG is an enhancer. I'm not really sure and just got home from a long weekend so I haven't had time to research it very much.....at least I have a new project for myself tomorrow!

  13. Hi everyone,

    I was nosing around the Body Shop this weekend and saw some home fragrance oil that they now sell...I don't know if this is a new thing or if it's been around a while (can you tell I go in there a lot?) LOL. I was just wondering if anyone has ever used these or made them...I know some of you have made them, but my big question is this: Is it better to use FO or EO for the scented oil? I figure I have to cut them with DPG, but I was just curious what your thoughts were on this one....TIA! :smiley2:

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