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Posts posted by candlebean

  1. Yea what Annie said.......if you unzip them into a file then you can insert them in My Labels.

    OK, I am so not a computer person today. I think it's the heat. I saved the logo file to my documents and then tried to import it into my label design, but it said that it couldn't open the file I chose. I don't think I've ever had anything sent to me in a zip file before - I am so confused and :embarasse . Does downloading and opening the file unzip it or do I have to do something else? Buy it dinner first? LOL :o I am really not normally this out of touch - I use computers every day at work without a problem LOL I think I am going to go find a nice rock to hide under to hide my shame :tiptoe:

  2. That program drives me crazy - getting my label the way I liked it took forever and I was ready to pull my hair out...once I got them done though it was OK - I'm not excited about My Labels Premium, but it was the 3rd program I tried and I was just too frustrated to waste my money on another program. I thought it was me just not getting it - I feel better now knowing that I'm not the only one. If anyone out there has had any luck with a different labeling program please let us know! LOL.

  3. I have been trying to get a body butter recipie that I like, but they always seem to come out too greasy...I keep finding recipie after recipie and I always seem to be missing a few of the ingredients, so I buy them, try again, and still no luck. Since my house is overflowing with stuff now, I thought about trying a body butter base from WSP (ordered a little bit from the classys) but I feel like I'm cheating LOL KWIM? I'm not sure if this base is what I am going to be looking for or not, but I was just curious as to what everyone's opinions are about using a base vs. making everything yourself from scratch...I know if you are doing it from scratch there is a lot more room to tweak, but any other benefits? Just curious. I figure if the bases are as good as they say on the site, then why wouldn't everyone just use them? :undecided

  4. How about sparkle gel for the the girls? I just started making it (with a recipie I found on here) it is so cool and easy to make! If you still wanted an air freshner for a kid's room, how about a dipped bear or other critter? Kids may not fully appreciate the air freshner part, but the parents might! And a little bear or whatever kind of animal you do would be a cute accent...

  5. thank you :) I have some from just scent. for christmas I did gift baskets w/ handmade bar soaps and lotions for my friends, but now I've got some of these oils around still, and I want to use them up instead of just letting them go to pot.

    Oh oK - good! I just didn't want you to try using some crazy oil from god knows where and have it blow up in your face LOL - safety first! Sounds like you are off to a good start - good luck!

  6. Hello and welcome! First of all, what type of fragrance oils do you have? Are they for candles? I'm just curious to see where you got them from if you aren't a candlemaker....as for the type of wax: if the wax is too hard, your tart won't melt. I use 75% container wax, and 25% votive wax. If you are worried about getting them out of your tart warmer once they are melted cooled, you can always stick them in the freezer for 5 mins or so, and they will pop right out. Your days of scraping are now over! If I were you, I wouldn't bother with FO modifier. If you get a good FO from a decent candle supply company, it will be plenty strong enough for your tarts. I would highly recommend just starting with the tarts so that you can get used to working with the wax and FO, etc. Getting into jars right away, you'll have to do a ton of testing with wicks, fo, jar sizes, etc.

    Hope this helps and have fun!

  7. Hi -

    I like the look of the aluminum bullet bottles from WSP, but the biggest size they offer is 4oz. Has anyone been able to find these bottles anywhere else in a bigger size that didn't cost an arm and a leg? I saw them at some other sites, but they just seemed way overpriced to me...:undecided

  8. Looks good!! I tend to leave out or greatly reduce the amount of glycerin in any leave on butter/lotion because to me it does leave a sticky kinda tacky feeling.

    This is by far the best mouse/body butter I've come across, but it was still a little tacky/greasy for me....I was thinking it was the jojoba or glycerine. If I leave them out or reduce them, what would I sub in their place? I am so excited that this stuff stayed soft and I don't want it to harden up if I take out too much of the jojoba oil or glycerine....any ideas?

  9. I use a 50-50 parsoy blend, and have never used a wick that small in a 16oz (16 oz is the biggest I make right now). I would recommend going up to something around a 52 or a 60 for the 16oz-er...but try just one wick at first to keep it from torching....I have also heard that cotton wicks get hotter than the zinc, so maybe the extra heat from a cotton would help get a more consistent burn.

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