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Posts posted by TwinMom

  1. I don't know if this would help your friend but I am really new at this and I used a coupon from the paper and got a really good deal on one of those m&p soap kits at the craft store. It came w/ 3 colors, a fragrance a 16 oz of clear soap an 16oz of white soap and a mold w/ a rectangle, circle and a square. It also had directions for some recipies. I also went to the library and got some soap books. It is an easy and relatively cheap way to get into the hobby.

    I will pass that along to her. I think that is a great idea! And we just got 50% off coupons for Michaels and I am pretty sure they have kits there~!

  2. and cant find cost analysis sheets for bath and body (for my sister) and candles for me....I have been on this site typing in: cost sheets, analysis sheets, pricing, retail pricing, wholesale and I cant find any examples of the cost sheets anywhere. I was positive I got mine off here, but now I cant remember...lol....if anyone has wholesale/retails ones. I need to save it into my faves so I have it for next time! Thanks for any help in advance.

  3. Paper towels, aluminum foil, wax paper and newspapers are your best friends. Newspaper the floor when making candles. So much easier to pick up the papers than scrap wax off the floor. No matter how careful you try to be stuff happens. I put the wax paper / foil on the counters. Should have bought stock in both companies. Now buy paper towels at Sam's Club by the 12 pack.

    Line the top of your scale with foil. So much easier to replace the foil than clean the scale.

    Paper Dixie cups are a Godsend. Another company I should have bought stock in. If using a paper cup to weigh out FO be sure to immediately pour it into your pour pot. Never use plastic cups to weigh out FO. Amazing how fast the FO can eat through that plastic.

    Gardening gloves are a must for cleaning molds especially votive cups. I haven't sliced my fingers / hand (knock on wood) since wearing the gloves.

    This should be a given but have a fire extinguisher nearby and know how to use it. No one plans on having a fire but stuff happens.

    Never fall asleep while melting wax in a double boiler. I've heard that a scorched pot stinks bad. Of course I wouldn't know. LOL

    I wish someone told me that along time ago....LOL

  4. I am so new to this I have to ask- are you saying that instead of vodka the room sprays can be made with cymethlicone or fractionated coconnut oil? Is there some room spray recipes posted on this board?

    I hope so, cause now I want to make some!!! I just got some cymethlicone to use for perfumes, so what is the difference between room sprays and body perfumes?

  5. When I think of spa I usually think of mud masks, sea salts, fresh smelling candles and calming music. Of course, I've never actually been to a spa so I might be totally off.

    That is what I think too. I think I am going to go the library today and get some books on aromatherapy and EO's

  6. I found the baskets and the plates .... and the stones at a shop called Wilkinsons, its a fab shop here in the UK. The plates and baskets were just £1.49 each and the bags of stones are 99p each! So its a cheap christmas for me *lol* - but I don't want them to look cheap.

    I looked at that ebay link - a bit dear really - and I don't mean dear for shrinkwrap I mean its dear when I have gotten 3 x 100meter rolls of polypro wrap for £29...... although shrink wrap does sound soo easy :wink2: I need to keep my costs down.

    I might try the last one without the basket just to see what it looks like, thanks for that tip Natty and TwinMom!


    THey dont look cheap at all. I wish I could find baskets like that and those plates, I love them!!!!

  7. Your candles look great! So do your baskets. I love those plates, where did you find those? I would suggest ditching the basket in the second basket and just use the plate as well. Cello is a pain in the ass, I had to wrap 2 HUGE baskets for a wedding, NOT FUN, I think I made up my own swear words for that one!!!:cheesy2:

  8. I have a website through WAHMshoppes. 7 bucks a month! I am very pleased with it! I purchased my custom graphics through Trina Clark Designs. My site looks very professional, I get alot of compliments on it, yet I didn't have to spend a fortune! :)

    (That's a good thing, because I am the world's biggest tightwad! :rolleyes2 )

    That is the best thing I have heard all night...:laugh2:

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