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Karen B

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Posts posted by Karen B

  1. I tried it, I don't know what it really is. It had a kind of transparent look to it like vasoline, and a consistency like playdough or remember that stuff you would place on the newspaper and it would copy the cartoon print. (more stick like that) It could be a type of micro wax I'm not sure, there are many micro waxes out there but the ones I've tried are hard.

    It didn't work all that well for me but I use a straight paraffin wax.

    Karen B

  2. I did this with my son for a school project. He hand dipped bayberry tapers because it was a project about the Middle Ages. I figured they didn't have paraffin back then and didn't want to render my own tallow. (I had the bayberry wax laying around) Hey so he was a rich kid in the Middle Ages what can I say. (lol) Keep the wax at a constant temp, he dipped it into the melted wax brought the wick out. Then after a few seconds he placed it into cold water for 30 seconds to a minute. (just to speed things along) Another tip is to tie something small to the end of the wick so in the beginning the wick stay's straight. If you dip it into cold water, before you bring it back into the wax wipe off some of the water drops, otherwise the finish will look funny.

    It is a very long process but my son actually had a lot of fun making his own candles. They actually showcased his candles in the front of the building so he was on cloud nine. Hmmm, the school never did give those candles back to me, I wonder if they new it was bayberry.


    Karen B

  3. **IF** you would like to find out if your company will keep your home and auto with the business then go to another persons house. (parents, or a really good friend) Call up that company and pretend you are LOOKING to insure your home and auto with them but the catch is you make candles. Ask if they can work with you if you have a business in your home. They have caller ID so don't use your phone, but just pretend your shopping around and looking for prices. Ask if they will even do it, this way you at least know where you stand with these guys.

    This will give you a heads up and not just a 30 cancellation notice.


    Karen B

  4. That made perfect sense and also explains why I see a difference with paraffin. With containers and my mottled pillars I do like you do and put them in the oven then turn it off, that does help. Thanks so much for the explanation I've know there is a difference between tin and aluminum but didn't really figure out why.

    thanks Stella1952,

    Karen B

  5. Thanks Stella1952,

    I'd rather not admit in public how long I've been making candles :grin2: but will say I do remember the craze just a few years ago when the all the palm waxes 1st came out. I don't remember container wax I think it was the pillar stuff. I just remember burning a few votives. (I remember 3 I think, feathering was one) I tried back then but the throw at that time didn't thrill me. Glass Glow seems to be getting a better throw than the old stuff was. (or it's the FO's I'm picking this time around)

    I just basically wondered if the Palm wax reacted differently in Tin molds than in Aluminum. My opinion is the finish with paraffin will be different with these 2 and it seemed to make sense that Palm wax will look different in these different mold too.

    (If this post doesn't make any sense sorry it's been a long day)

    Thanks for you help, now if only Candle Science would get this wax in.

    Karen B

  6. I use plastic and aluminum molds! Mine... there isn't any difference in the crystals, but that is not a major concern with me! the hot throw and burn is my pet peeve right now! HTH

    but it is all a matter of preference!

    Oh I hear you, I have the Glass Glow that I'm playing with right now and air pockets is my biggest thing. (OK and finding the right wick) This stuff seems very picky to the environment around it so I figured the mold probably will effect this wax too. With my paraffin I use tin or aluminum depending on the type of candle I want to make and the finished look. So I've been dying to find out what happens with this stuff in different molds. Right now I just sit and wait.


    Karen B

  7. Thanks you very much, I know it's very sensitive to heat so I wondered if different molds would make difference or not. Glad to hear it likes aluminum that's my personal favorite.

    Oh polycarbonate, I really need to get a couple of those for some candles I do. I think it would make my life so much easier but that's a different subject.


    Karen B

  8. I'm waiting for CS to get more tortoise shell in otherwise I would just pour myself and find out the answer.

    Since I'm waiting I thought I'd ask those of you who have been using palm wax a while. Do you notice a difference when using an aluminum mold compared to a tin mold. (oh what ever the other kind is) When I'm making pillars depending on the finish I want I'll use a different type of mold. So I'm just curious if the same holds true with palm or not.


    Karen B

  9. I know FOH & Kangaroo Blue have the full kit, that includes the boxes. Also I think it's the chemistry store that sells bottles & boxes just like Kangaroo Blue's. ICS has those same Bottles if you want to package them yourself & I think Lotioncrafters sells supplies too. Just about everyone is into these things right now.

    Karen B

  10. What I am talking about is what is used for drywall or paint. They measure anywhere from less than a ft to a few feet. They come in different styles too which there is one that is patented and blends so much better than any other out there.

    Anyway, they fit into a standard 3/8" drill, one that you can buy for like $15, or you may already have one, the mixer is about $6 for a small one.

    I've been doing this now for 7 years and ever since I started using the little mixers, I have never bothered to sit and stir over and over again, when these mixers do it so much faster and better. You ever had little flakes show in your wax that is the additive not blended too well, especially beeswax?

    My whole point to begin with was that you need to blend your mix well or problems can arise. Since I make candles on a larger scale, I guess I forgot what it was like to make only a few candles.

    I knew exactly what your talking about but I still don't think he needs that. Yes he needs to make sure his FO is fully in with the wax or he'll have problems but that would be weeping puddles of FO & no amount of beatings will change that. The most I ever stir any FO is 2 minutes & the only thing I ever need is a spoon, and that's just because when I 1st started someone placed a bug in my head that I "NEED" to stir for 2 minutes. It's just habit now.

    I've only been doing this for 6 years but never had a problem with my additives or beeswax not melting all the way. I melt my wax with my additives & never see a problem like your describing. (especially beeswax??) There is only 1 additive I melt separately (translucent crystals) & I hardly ever make candles that require this additive.

    OK now back to the problem, you've gotten some great suggestion. The 16 oz apothecary jar's are tall which leads to this problem.(the oxygen thing some else said was right on) If you take a 10 oz apothecary you probably wouldn't have seen it. If you saw a full mp in 1 hour the wick was probably to big. Also which FO was it, there are a few VERY heavy FO's that at 1oz per lb is just too much. This is different from a FO not incorporating in the wax. When a FO isn't blending you will see what looks like water pool on the bottom of your pour pot, that will also show up on your finished candle & look like colored water. 16 oz apothecary jars are one of the hardest jars to wick since you said your new to this you may want to put those aside & start with some 8 oz canning jars. Those only take one wick & are much easier than 16 oz apothecary jars.


    Karen B

  11. lindsaycb,

    I can't really help but just know your not alone. I've had this happen to me also & I didn't understand why I was being picked on. I also deleted cookies, temp files & all that stuff but still couldn't get that shopping cart to work. I was told by BCN it had to be me. (with 3 kids I'm used to everything always being my fault.)

    I am on AOL & I don't think I tried my IE at the time. You can try that (if your using AOL) or if you can wait until tomorrow that's what happened with me it worked the next day.

    Karen B (who doesn't have PMS, but is in a bad mood because she can't help her son with 6th grade homework)

  12. If you don't like to use the spray adhesive you can try hitting the candle with a heat gun & then sprinkling on the glitter. I do this with my Christmas Tree's, but I do them green with white tips so if I get any dripping wax it usually adds the the snowy branches look.

    You can also try modge podge (sorry I don't know how to spell it) I don't remember it being as sticky when it's dry.

    Dough edited because I wanted to tell you how nice those pillars look.

    Karen B

  13. I use it as an additive in my paraffin but if you want to try pure beeswax pillars there are a lots of fans out there. The smell of beeswax burning is a very pleasant sweet smell, cleaner burning, & some claim that the ions (negative? positive? I don't remember but it's different) will actually "clean" the air. I personally do not believe this but it's another reason people swear by it. I just like the smell & the natural look to them, good luck with it.

    Karen B

  14. Please explain why you can not use products with oils in them in the whirlpool tubs? I understand about the bubbles and such, but not the oils. TIA

    In a Whirlpool type of tub the water for the jets is circulated around. So the oil in these products will get into those lines & get them dirty. Even if you don't use oil products with your whirlpool you still need to clean the jets every 2 weeks to a month.

    There is always water in the jet lines & when you have sitting water you have mold. I was told by Kohler to fill my tub up with water pour 20 oz of bleach & 1&1/2 tsp of powdered dishwasher detergent. Let that run for 5-15 minutes. (this soap will not bubble in the tub.) Then drain & rinse. I found out for myself do not use the gel bleach (Clorox brand) that will bubble up in your tub & make a HUGE mess, just use the cheep regular bleach.

    Karen B

    PS I don't know if bath salts are OK but I don't turn the jets on when I use them. They may be safe but I have a fear that the FO would be enough to dirty up those jets so I don't bother. (which is a huge bummer, I would love to have the jets on with the bath salts)

  15. Is she making her own lye, I do know someone out there does make her own lye for the soap. (I wish I could remember her name, it's a lot of work & I give her a lot of credit) I think there is a way to measure how "strong" the lye water is by putting an egg in the lye water & seeing how much it floats but I do not know what I'm talking about. IMHO this would be the most "natural" soap you could get. (depending on what you then add to it)

    Karen B

  16. Why couldn't you just do a tilted layered pillar of red & white. When I do them & don't want the layers to bleed I just pour a little of the next color in the middle, let that harden up then pour the next color.

    It's not as hard as I'm making it sound the only problem I have with my tilted layers is having them all tilted at the same angle. When you have 3 or 4 pillars together I'm anal & want the layers to look exact. I'm thinking this year of looking into those clean pillar molds but I'm afraid the FO will eat it. (why make a candy cane candle unscented????)

    Karen B

  17. Hey howdy neighbor :wave: Ask Kitty about the Saturday lunch thing & see if you can get on her invite list. One was today but I couldn't go because DH had to work & I know I would kill my 3 kids before lunch was over. Can I ask are you in northern Plainfield like her or are you down in the southern part like me? (I wish somebody would wake-up & realize 59 needs more lanes.)

    Just in case you didn't know Oak Court Creations is not that far either. You can't pick up but you sound close enough for her to deliver & she carried a lot of butter's like Babassu (sorry to early in the morning for me to figure out the right way to spell it) in small quantities plus free delivery to my door.

    Karen B

  18. MWOLBERS: Two questions... 1) Care to share any recipes? and 2) are you mooning me!!??!! :-O

    I'm to new to try & answer any soaping questions but I don't see anything wrong with using grocery store oils. I have used grapeseed from the store but only buy in small quantities & try very hard to use it up fast. (plus store it in the fridge)

    anyway I CAN help with mwolbers little guy. It's her little signature "dude". On another board she has something next to it but I can't remember what it said now. (If I try I know I'll screw it up) As soon as she came over here a lot of us asked where her little guy was, seems she can't go anywhere without him. :D I guess her little elf is mooning us but since most of us find it cute we really don't mind. :laugh2:If I needed to see cellulite I could just look in the mirror.

    Edited because I found it, "The hurrier I go the behinder I get"

    Karen B

  19. Stupid question but I understood that FO can't go air only if the flash point was under 140. Am I the only person that has noticed on some suppliers web sites they will have next to a very specific FO that it can only be shipped via ground. I'll look over and almost always the FP is under 140. (I'm not sure of the "magic number" but I thought that was it.)

    I guess maybe I could be wrong, there is a 1st for everything. :D

    Karen B

  20. Here is an example of watermarking a picture.


    I could show you mine on my website but really it's not "all that". Plus DH is a printer & does not like putting things on top of the pictures. It's kind of an on going fight between us. When I do get him to put the watermark on the pic's it's always in the corner on the pic, just the perfect spot for someone to crop it out. This is what I consider the perfect example of a good watermark.

    One other thing to consider, have your label in the picture & readable. I have seen people steal pic's & the label is right there. I bust out laughing every time.

    Also I did read some place a long time ago that you can put a clear .gif over your picture. Pleople don't realize until it's to late they've just stolen nothing. But I don't have a clue if this would mess up your search engine rankings. Or if it really even works, I've never fully tested it out.

    Karen B

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