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Posts posted by Gypsyjen

  1. Well, I'M glad you asked. It's a big pet peeve of mine that too many people claim crystal wax is soy when it's not. It's a palm blend with other vegetable waxes. Any amount of soy in the blend would likely take away the crystallizing properties. But we can never be 100% sure what exactly is in this wax since most blends are proprietary and a big company secret. ;)

  2. Uh oh, Grumpy...welcome to one of the not-so-joys of CP soap!! :rolleyes2

    There are different theories as to what may cause this, but the most common seems to be oxidation of the soap. I usually get some measure of ash, I either scrape it off with a knife or try to wipe it off. Either way the soap's finish gets ruined. :mad: I hope someone else will post to this with a better idea!!

  3. Michael,

    Have you tried any FO's from The Scent Works? I've purchased some very unusual fragrances from them (Malabar Peppercorn, Sardinian Garden Parsley, etc.) and LOVE them. I'm not ready to sell yet, but thought you might like to try to make some candles of your own with these!

  4. Jeana, no need to be sorry...it's just that every time I see "crystal soy" it burns me up! :mad: I also think it's completely unethical to ride on the popularity of soy wax when you are using a different veggie oil. The only conclusions I can come up with are:

    1. The chandlers have no idea what's really in the wax they're using.


    2. They think mis-labeling will lead to better sales since soy wax is so popular.

    I haven't decided which one of these is worse!

  5. LMAO:laugh2:

    Don't let top's analysis get to ya. I'm with ya candleessence. He takes this stuff seriously ( and quite frankly we should ALL be "pooling" our money to invest in him and his "findings/discoveries") We are grateful that he shares his knowledge with us....sometimes he has to break it down to "See Spot Run" for us....which I might add, he has been generous enough to do many times.Sometimes I LITERALLY study his answers LOL and have learned quite abit about wax etc.

    I think that his short answer to your question is No. LOL

    We love ya TOP! Keep it coming!

    LOL, I have a bachelor's degree in science and sometimes Top's answers make me feel like I'm back in chemistry class! :D Love it!

    Anyway, I'm with PrairieAnnie on this one. IMO, if you need 12% FO in a candle, it's NOT a good quality FO!

  6. I had a thread about this not too long ago:


    There are some other more in-depth threads, if you do a search. Here are some threads from the old board which I found very enlightening:

    Soy candle NOT a soy candle?

    Any other wax besides Palm Wax for Crystal effect?

    Oh No! Another Competitor/How Did They Do...

    Test Results Finally In

    From what I've read, so-called "crystal soy" does NOT exist.

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