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Posts posted by EvyStar

  1. Easy! Have you ever worked with Quickbooks? The ease level is about the same.

    Really the hardest thing about using it is putting in all of your data. And that is far from hard, it's just time consuming. It's got a built in sap calculator and you can set all of your defaults of whatever it is you use most often, but it's easy enough to change on the fly for each particular recipe.

    I love mine. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. :)

    It's very user friendly.

    ETA: They also have step by step tutorials for each function and on start up they give you "daily tips" (that function can be turned off, but you can always access the tips even if you have them turned off to where you don't get the pop-up each time you open it)

    Have just checked out the Australian branch of Quickbooks. http://www.intuit.com.au/quickbooks-online/small-business-accounting-software-compare.jsp

    It seems that the Professional version is the way to go (it tracks inventory which would be super helpful), however it costs $35.00AUD per month. Am I looking at the same product/brand you have suggested?



  2. You guys are amazing! I would love to see a copy of your spreadsheet if possible and I will also check out the software product. I too have a Mac but will contact them to find out further information.

    Listening to this talk on TED whilst making my candles. You might find it of interest.


    Sheena Iyengar studies how we make choices -- and how we feel about the choices we make. At TEDGlobal, she talks about both trivial choices (Coke v. Pepsi) and profound ones, and shares her groundbreaking research that has uncovered some surprising attitudes about our decisions.

  3. Good Afternoon All!

    I am currently refining my costings spreadsheets and would love to hear how some of you distribute the cost of your freight among your stock.

    I am still in prototype phase and my orders with my candle suppliers change, whilst I'm testing the waters, doing on the spot market research at the markets (i do the markets every week) and testing out what jars and fragrances customers prefer.

    Anyhoo...I have been struggling with working out the most cost effective way to evenly spread the cost of freight amongst my stock.

    If I were to make one big massive bulk order, it would be a lot easier to work out. However, my orders a small and variable.

    I have tried dividing by the number of Jars I buy. But then that doesn't take into account the cost of Fragrances and wicks generally included in the order.


    Evy x

  4. Thanks for the link. I will check it now. Here is a link to one of the candle products I was looking at. They also use recycled glass. These are avenues I am doing my research in, to consider going down. I work for the Environment Centre here in Darwin full time and I feel it's my duty to consider sustainable recyclable options if the options are out there. What do you think? http://www.aveda.com.au/product/5249/16963/Collections/ShampureTM/Shampure-Soy-Wax-Candle/index.tmpl

  5. Good Morning! I have been experimenting with decorative pillar candles the last few months. I am looking to stock some of them at my market stall, however would first like to do some further research to find out if pillar candles with embossed tissue paper or images are a hazard to burn?

  6. This topic seems to be a popular topic of late and I often get asked the question if my candles are made with essential oils, to which i reply no. I am relatively new to candle making and selling at markets. I haven't had time to look into the pros and cons of Essential Oils vs Fragrance Oils. Is there anywhere I can go to further assist me with becoming more knowledgeable about the two?

    Another question, I often get asked is why I don't use essential oils and aren't synthetic oils toxic?

    I also wander, how brands like Aveda can make candles with certified organic essential oils and be able to charge reasonable prices.

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions.

    Happy 2014 greetings from Australia!

  7. Greets from Australia. I am constantly learning about new products, brands and ideas on this site. I love it. Feel so completely removed from the rest of the world sometimes living all the way over here :o) I have a couple of questions. What is Amazing Dupe? is it a brand or FO? How does one go about looking to make roll on perfume oils? Also, are people quite comfortable using Fragrance Oils on their skin? I know from living in London for 13 years that 'synthetic' fragrances are perhaps not seen as attractive to consumers as say - the most sustainable / organic / essential oil ingredients.

  8. Good Afternoon All!

    I'm based up on the tropics of Australia. It's always hot and it's always humid here.

    I have noticed the last couple of weeks that my soy candles made in lidless jars - mostly - mosaic glass jars - have completely lost their fragrances.

    I only made them about 1 month ago. I use Golden Wax GW464.

    This is not normal right?

    My market stall is under cover and i'm not in direct sunlight at all. I unpack the car each afternoon and place all my stock in my spare room.

    Also - do you know if plastic (bubble) can extract fragrance from a candle?

    A lot of my customers are not from Darwin and travel back home with my stock. I offer a wrapping service and use bubble wrap. I'm wandering if when they eventually get back home if the candle they have purchased would have lost its fragrance?

    Any help at all is greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards, Evy

  9. Thank-you so much Belinda for your time and invaluable advice!! I know my first post is a tad long but thought it best just to brain dump all the questions I have in one thread :o)

    Have you happened to hear along your travels or reading if plastic (mainly bubble wrap) - can extract the fragrance from a soy candle? Some of my containers are open - without a lid - mostly the mosaic ones and I wrap them in bubble wrap when in storage and transferring between markets and home. I have noticed that these particular candles have almost lost all their scent compared to the french metro jar candles I also sell but have lids on them.

    Also - regarding the wax you use 4625/4620 and 4794. What brand is this and are they soy wax?

    Thanks again for your time.

    Kind regards, Evy xx

  10. Good Afternoon All,

    Greets from the tropics of Australia. Where the sun shines 365 days of the year and the average temperature is 33-35 degrees celcius. Current humidity level 82% :o)

    I have several questions to ask which I have been building up over the last few months.

    Please excuse any double up of past questions. I have made an effort to search previous threads to try and minimise any duplication questions.

    I will attempt to list my questions in an organised manner :o)

    1) - I would like to considering purchasing wholesale quantities of candle & wax warmers and plate warmers. The electric ones. Any idea where/who I can contact for such things.

    2) Candle Embelishments and Decoration for Pillar Candles. Where does one go to buy such things. I have some ideas for decorative pillar candles - however not sure where to start looking to purchase the embellishments. See one example below. I love it. I don't want to go to that extreme but it's a great inspiring decorative candle don't you think?

    Also - if you know of any tutorials on how to safely make decorative pillar candles and any safety information and instructions which need to go with it.


    3) Candle Jars. Where can one go to buy interesting candle jars. I absolutely love the jars and lids Rigaud use.



    4) If I were to purchase bulk fragrance quantities from a USA supplier which top 5 companies would you recommend to me and why?

    5) Time Management/Candle Making Management.

    Do you make your candles weekly/bi-weekly/monthly?

    Do you use a double boiler or candle melter? If you use a double boiler - any time keeping tips again would be helpful.

    For the amount of time it takes to make decorative candle melts - for little money you can earn back from it - do you think it's worth the effort?

    Silicone Wax Moulds

    Which brands do you suggest to make cute and interesting candle melts.


    See attached picture above. Do you think the little rose at the top is made from wax? And do you think the cream was created using a tool which a cake maker would use?

    I used Golden GW wax for my container candles. The only other brands are the Eco -Soy Candles here.

    If you have made successful candle tarts/cupcake candles - please do share the best waxes to use to create something like the above.


    Do you pay yourself a weekly wage or hourly rate or put a % away from each weeks sales?

    For those of you who do markets - what is the gross average medium of sales you make each week?

    Packaging Tarts, Cupcake Candles, Decorative Tarts and Melts

    Suggestions on most sustainable way to package and post small candle items such as tarts, individual decorative candle melts, cupcake candles.

    Also - how best would you have the above items displayed at your stall?

    Best Xmas Fragrances For Xmas in the tropics, where it's hot, humid and possible chances of thunderstorm or a cyclone! Xmas is spent by the pool with cold beers and prawns on the BBQ. Any suggestions. I love all the wintery type suggestions I have seen posted on the threads - however don't quite think they would work here in the tropics.

    Apologies for all the questions. I am sure I will have more to follow. I hope some of the questions are not too personal. I'm not trying to pry :o) I'm all alone up here and don't have a lot of crafty people around me to bounce ideas of. It's a continual learning process and I hope that I too may be able to provide useful information to those in need when the time comes.

    Oh - and one final question. Do any of you do this as a full-time job? I still work full time for the Northern Territory Government and I make all my own craft and candles and do the markets every Saturday from 5am to 2pm. Earlier this year I was doing two markets per week. Every Saturday and Sunday. I almost burnt myself out so had to stop one.

    Thanking you all in advance.

    Kind regards,


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