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Everything posted by MicheleC

  1. Oh I'm sure it was limited to that one seller. It was a very weird skunk/chemical plastic smell and when a few of use brought it to the attention of the seller she indeed admitted it was from the new shrink wrap she switched to. I'm not saying all shrink wrap smells like that but there is indeed one out there that does and it's horrible smelling.
  2. I know I bought some tarts off a vendor that were shrink wrapped and they had a horrible odor. I even took them out of the shrink wrap and rebagged them and it still had a nasty smell.
  3. Using cups. I just wanted to make sure I'm adding the right amount of FO to such a small batch so was trying to figure out the easiest formula to do so and since my math has always stunk lol
  4. I feel like a total pain in the rear now with all my questions. But im really trying my hardest to learn and do things right. If I just wanted to make say 2 tarts and my cups hold 2.8 total ozs of wax. FO amount I usually use depending on scent is 1.5 pp so that's 9% ? Then I do 2.8 x .09 and that means .25oz of FO I need to use? Then I subtract .25 from the 2.8 total ozs and that leaves me with 2.55 ozs of wax I need to use?
  5. MicheleC

    TCS wax..

    That's a shame because I read the posts of you speaking so highly of that wax have you found anything even remotely close to the original TCS, Ravens? I'll never understand the reasoning of why some people mess with a good thing.
  6. MicheleC

    TCS wax..

    Thank you so much Karen. You've been a tremendous help. Think I'm going to stick with paraffin as I can wait a few days with np just not weeks
  7. MicheleC

    TCS wax..

    I have a question tho. I've been on here all day reading and still unsure. Is there a soy wax that don't require a long cure time? Just making my list of different waxes I want to try and trying to figure out if I should stick with only paraffin as I'm very impatient and can't stand waiting a week or two to try. A few days fine but not weeks..lol
  8. MicheleC

    TCS wax..

    Thank you ladies. Selling for me wouldn't happen for a good year or two as I have a lot to learn but I am having fun with experimenting as I've always had an obsession for wax.
  9. MicheleC

    TCS wax..

    From reading all the posts on here it seems to be extremely hard to find the right wax blend that throws and has longevity with the combo hot plate warmers. This is all I use and can't seem to find a wax that can work with it. I don't even sell but I also can't stand the wax smears on my bags.
  10. MicheleC

    TCS wax..

    Im still learning the beginning stages of mixing waxes. I get so confused on what to mix and what not to mix. Is there a post anywhere on what are actually the harder waxes and softer ones? I have tried the KY133 by itself and was pleased with it. I just want to venture into learning how to blend.
  11. MicheleC

    TCS wax..

    I just found that thread too. I've been using 4794 for a bit and just started getting into blending the different waxes because the 4794 alone just doesn't impress me.
  12. MicheleC

    TCS wax..

    Looking to try a new wax and thinking of trying TCS tart blend..is it a good stand alone wax? Thank you
  13. Who has the best white cake FO?
  14. Thank you..it appears it's been discontinued..figures!
  15. Anyone have a link to the stainless steel one?
  16. This one don't have the coating that can flake does it? That's the only reason I don't want to go with the ones that already have the spout cause of the possible flaking.
  17. I'm probably going to be the only person to say this but I think I'm going to prefer using a ladle to the spout..lol
  18. Just trying to decide between this one and the teflon one. http://www.amazon.com/Presto-Options-Electric-Multi-Cooker-Steamer/dp/B00005OTXY/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1373417040&sr=8-10&keywords=Stainless+steel+presto+fry
  19. I dislike the round dart ones..it seems whenever I bought some from vendors they'd arrive with the lids off or they leaked.The lids stay on extremely well with the Ellipso ones.
  20. Thank you! I was wondering if that would of been okay as the Ellipso cups seem thicker then the other ones.
  21. I have decided to use Ellipso cups, I know you can't pour immediately like you can using a silicone mold. What is the recommend pouring temp for the cups?
  22. Thanks Steve. I've picked a few waxes to work with and once comfortable with one and know the ins and outs with it maybe then I'll mess around with blending. Right now it's all a learning experience and a costly one at that but instead of spending money with other vendors I'm just putting it all into my new found hobby. Thanks again!!
  23. I won't be using all soy either. I bought IGI 4794, CSB 3022 and IGI 6006. I bought all my FO's from Peak just to experiment with and will venture out to other companies once I get the hang of it all. You didn't confuse me, I appreciate any help/advice I can get.
  24. Thanks! I already ordered wax and some FO's and also a few books to read up on. My last question, I was just trying to get some reviews on the presto pots with the spout... I figure you dont know until you ask so here I am..Thanks for all the advice. Much appreciated. Thanks for the warm welcome Belinda.
  25. Do we have a way to delete our post? I don't want to hog the boards up with the same question. Sorry for posting in the wrong spot!
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