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Posts posted by Spellkast

  1. They do have decent prices if you are within a reasonable distance from them. And you have to order a CRAPLOAD in order to get a shipping discount. Their product is really good, too...the only thing I ran into with them, is since they import from China, they run out of stock A LOT and it could be weeks before they get it back in. Sooo..a couple of times when I tried to re-order, say my 10 oz. jars, they would say they were out of stock, and try to convince me that they're not big sellers...which cracks me up, because they'd do that everytime a jar was out of stock...and I know what sells and what doesn't, and then I'd run out of jars and be waiting 2-3 weeks before I finally ever got more. Very bad for business!!! So, I switched to fairway glass- their shipping is much cheaper and faster and their product is hardly ever out of stock. When it is, they get it back in stock right away and give you a discount. :) HTH!! Do request free samples from the jar store though!! Never can have too many free jars! :)


  2. To test FO's, I just fill a tealight with wax, add 1 mL of FO, mix mix mix and then let it cure for a week and test it in a small room like my bathroom. This way I am still getting the true scent, but with MUCH less wax wasted weeding out the scents I don't like. :) The, of course, I test the scent in all of my containers. Although, I will admit, I cheat. My 26 oz, 10 oz, and 16 oz. jars are all the same diameter, and I noticed after testing 18 scents in those individually, that they all burned the same, so I test new scents in my 10 oz. jar, and use the same wick that works in that one for my 16 and 26 oz. jars...and they all burn perfectly- they're straight apothecary jars, though.

  3. I guess the problem with the fragrance discussion is that everyone's taste is different, so it's really hard to get a feel for a company unless someone has had bad customer service or the oils were just of such bad quality...but I think most of the companies that people use on this board are of high quality...and we all have our own favorites because something different works for each of us. Some people love some companies because they're oils smell great in their wax, and others just have bad luck...as in this case. Obviously, there's not just one company that can be great for everyone in every sense...so I think the point I'm getting at here :) is that people need to do their own testing. Try out a WHOLE BUNCH of different places and then choose what works best. ICS worked really well for me in my wax, but I wouldnt' suggest that the people who had bad experiences try them again because chances are, you still won't like them much. I tried BCN again because so many people love them on here, but they're just not my favorite..and even if I try them 400 times, they never will be...so don't waste your money- if you've found a great company that works for you, then FANTASTIC!!! Keep it that way...we are all addicted to FO's...there's no need to spend money on oils you have already tried and didn't like...spend them on NEW oils that you can try....mmmm..good idea...gonna go peruse for some more! :)


  4. The only companies I won't ever try without getting a review on first, is either orders that will be HUGE, or really pricey oils. It looks like you're not getting too many, and they have a 10 1 ounce special for $15.00...so just buy them...if you don't like them, you can always sell them on here, or on ebay, or use them for carpet freshener :) That's what I do, at least. I assumed they were really bad quality oils because they were so cheap, but I have been wonderfully surprised! HTH!


  5. I use the comfort blend, and I haven't (yet) had any trouble with the scent throws in these babies! They're great...By the way, the other inexpensive supplier- at least compared to some of them- is Peak's. I love their oils and they're prices are always reasonable. Lone Star has some really great prices as well, and so does A Garden Eastward. Bittercreek, too, I guess...I just don't like them. Anyway, so....I got White Tea and Ginger, Mango Papaya, Pink Sugar, Love Spell, Pumpkin Pie Spice, Pumpkin Filling, Buttercream, Chocolate Fudge Cake, Sweet Pea & Vanilla Smoothie. They ALL smelled great OOB, and good enough to eat when I was pouring them. Sometimes with my wax, though...it'll smell really strong until a day later and then NOTHING..I mean, NO cold throw at all...but all of theirs stayed strong the whole week curing time. And I've tested the White Tea and Ginger, Mango Papaya, Pink Sugar, Love Spell, Pumpkin Pie and Vanilla up against Peaks and ICS won some and Peaks won some. I did have some trouble mixing the buttercream, vanilla smoothie and the chocolate fudge...all of the heavy scents, but I just put the FO in some hot water before pouring and it fixed that. The white tea and ginger, I thought was a pretty light oil...I'm wondering why you guys had trouble with that one!! Which wax were you using? I think those that had trouble should try them again because I think they rock!!! And for those prices, you can NOT go wrong!!! :)


  6. Thanks so much guys!! I'll try adding the citric last, and leaving out the WH...and if that doesn't work, I GIVE UP!!! :) I'll look at michael's..I need to pick up some stuff there anyway....and I'll try factory direct as well...thanks again!!!


  7. Don't you find they're too dry to pack into the molds then? If I don't spritz with witch hazel, it's basically still a salty powder :) I've tried spritzing less WH, but then they don't pack into the molds, and when I try to tap them out, they just crumble :( The ones that do turn out nice sell quickly, and I feel as though I spend more money throwing out bad ones than I actually make. Thanks for your help!


  8. So, I'm testing out brand new scents and I got a sampler pack from ICS. Since I'm testing them against Peak's, Tony's and Just Scents, I didn't expect much from this company, but WOW!!! I am in love!!! I thought they wouldn't be able to compare since their prices are just phenomenal- and some of their scents are actually STRONGER than the others!!! I am just blown away. I am so happy I have found another great, CHEAP company! Now I can replace some of my pricier oils! :) Just want everyone to know...if they haven't tried ICS for whatever reason- give them a try!!! :) BTW, I use IGI4627 (Comfort Blend) and the cold throw and the hot throw have both been amazing...I test my scents in tealights and their wnoderful fragrance filled my whole guest room. Very impressed! :)


  9. I agree with Tony's...although to me, it smells more perfumey than some of the fresh clean rain scents out there..and it sort of smells like calming waters from JS. They're both FABULOUS and I LOVE them...but I'm not sure that it would be the kind of "rain" FO you're looking for.It might be just me..if they marketed it as "Rain" I'd probably think of it as just that, but since it has a different name, I associate it differently..I know, I'm a weirdo :)



  10. I'm totally re-vamping my whole company...I used to use cupcake molds for my bath bombs, since I could never find the plastic ornaments everyone talks about...but now I'm on a mission. I really want to make some bigger bombs and Im looking for those plastic ornaments that everyone uses. I remember reading somewhere that someone gets them from oriental trading company...but I couldn't find the darn ornament balls. Also...I am going through 2 batches usually in order to get one good one. Right now, I mix together my baking soda, salts, corn starch and citric acid. Then I add in my almond oil, FO and coloring...and add witch hazel until it starts to get soft. I pack them in the molds and all looks good until an hour or two later when they puff up. Would it help, do you think, to add the citric acid AFTER I add the FO, SAO and the witch hazel? I've heard some people do it this way....anyway, I might just turn to a wholesale account if I can't get this stupid recipe down. :( Thanks guys!!!

  11. So....does anyone here do fundraisers? I was just informed that most schools choose their fundraisers at the beginning of the school year, which was VERY discouraging to me. How soon do you get the word out to schools that you do fundraisers? Also, I've called a few churches and they all say that they don't actually do selling, but they'll take donations. Has anyone been successful with church fundraisers? I would like to branch out and start getting my name out locally around here, but I have been unsuccessful, I guess. How do you all advertise for home parties, also? I've done a few of them, but they were all friends, family, friends of friends, friends of family types of things. I'd like to get some new customers that don't even know I exist. This town is a pretty big college town...but college kids don't have any money- so I don't think I want to try advertising at the "in" spots that college kids all go to. And our bulletin boards at our grocery stores are useless...they're basically HIDDEN! HELP!!!! :) Thanks for any input you may have!!!


  12. I've used Microsoft Publisher for almost all of my stationary needs! :) If you're using regular sized labels (2x4 or 1 1/4x whatever the heck those little shipping labels are) than it's great! Really easy to use and figure out. Unfortunately, I just started doing round labels for my shea butter and making my own warning labels, and it doesn't have a template for that :( But for making flyers or brochures, and my regular sized labels, publisher rocks!!!


  13. Has anyone tried any of their FO's? I was especially interested in their Hypnotic Poison...I LOVE that perfume!! But there were a bunch of other ones that sounded delicious, too. Let me know what your experiences have been! Thanks!!

  14. Anyone know where to get the BEST OMH scent in the WORLD?!! Ok, that's hard...how about in the U.S.? And I'm also looking for a really fresh "rain" scent. I had NG's storm watch, but that's just too flowery to me. I'm looking for a more clean, right after the rain scent. Can anyone help me? Thank you!!!!!!

  15. Hi there!

    I have the pumpkin pie spice, and the vanilla wafers and both are AWESOME. I love aroma haven...they have a great, great great peach and their flannel sheets smells so good, I want to throw it in with my laundry instead of my normal detergent! Their sweet pea is awful good, too!!! :)

  16. Guys- I'm a retard...I just ordered coconut oil the other day from WSP...I had only been using almond oil up until that point...and so I didn't even REALIZE that there are two different kinds...fractionated (which is the liquid stuff I bought for body butter) and 76...which is the solid stuff. I guess I always thought something with the name OIL would be liquid...goes to show you can't take anything in the american language for granted!!! :) Well, I hope you all had a good laugh at my stupidity!


  17. ya know...I saw that recipe and it really confused me because it lists coconut oil as hard at RT...now, I have a big container of coconut oil sitting on my shelf, and never ever have I seen it as a solid...now, it might just be tricking me and turn solid as soon as I turn my head...or maybe it just transforms into a solid at night, who knows...but if anyone can tell me why it lists coconut oil as a solid, I would greatly appreciate it! Is there a Coconut oil that IS solid at RT that I just am too ignorant to know about? Thanks!!

  18. The Scent Works has a Vermont Maple Syrup that I think smells just like the BBW kind...only thing is, their scents are manufactured for soap and body products, and aren't guaranteed to throw well in candles. If you're looking for body stuff, then fantastic, because this scent is WONDERFUL in soap and lotions and balms and EVERYTHING, but I've never tested it in candles. HTH!


  19. Thanks guys. I tried calling Connie's Candles today for a sample, but wound up just leaving a message. No return call so far, but if it was hard as a brick, I'm not sure I would really want it...but ya never know, they could have changed the formula. I'll see what they have to say about purchasing a sample. Thanks!!!

  20. I know it's not my thread, but I'M interested!! :) I got the base from Bittercreek a while ago and I'm so in love with it, I'm scared to make my own for fear it won't turn out even close to BCN's! If you know what kind this is, or you know of one that is so silky smooth you could EAT it, please PM me...or post the recipe...or something..anything...please?!? :) Thank you!!!

  21. So, I've been looking up all sorts of suppliers to try and find some replacements for scents I already carry and don't care too much for, and for some new fragrances and I came across Tony's. I found this site a long time ago, but they were really expensive and the scents I really wanted at the time were ones I could find anywhere. But now I saw that Tony's has a bunch that I'm looking for that I'm having a hard time finding anywhere else (rice flower and shea, frankincense and myrhh, oatmeal milk and honey..a few others.) Anyway, it's really expensive though! $21 for 8 1 oz. samples. I was wondering if anyone has tried this supplier and if the oils are any good. Especially the frank and myrhh. My mom found this room spray a long time ago that she fell in love with...she said it smells more light than like incense and they discontinued it, so she wants me to find it and make her some. Well, thanks for all of your help guys!!

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