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Posts posted by chris77

  1. Yes your not suppose to burn the candle down to the bottom, but you know it happens every day. Bruce

    Wow, I learn something everyday. I sheeply raise my hand and admit that I too have been one to burn it down until the last flicker from the wick tab. I wonder what percentage of consumers blow the candle out or let it fade on it's own.

    Thanks Bruce,


  2. re-reading my post and I think a lot of what I said should have been posted in some other threads...oops :D

    I went way out there.....guess we just like to have fun and keep it light. It may be junior high as one put it to be like "I know something you don't"......but we don't have to be junior high in our responses either. If someone doesn't want to tell us something, that's their perrogative. Should they have said they have a secret if they weren't going to share? Maybe yes, maybe no.....guess that depends on how one wants to respond.

    The rest is basically we like helping others......even more than that, we like helping others who show that they help themselves. And that goes for ALL threads!

    Let's let it die...no harm done. I'm working on a secret wax by the way too....there something so secret about it that I can't figure it out and it get it to work....the wax won't tell me!! :laugh2: :laugh2:

  3. Huh? Is it just me, or is this type of code speak a bit perplexing, and just a tad bit annoying?

    Not a bunch of code....just a group of people who for one enjoy each other and like to have some fun. Secondly, everyone who has been here for a long time has done there own testing and research and learned by experience. I have not been at candles for that long, but I have been a manager for years and it does not benefit my employees to always give them the answer when they ask...in the end it cripples them. It is my job to teach people how to find answers for themselves by asking them questions to help lead them to the answer. Sometimes I give the answer, but a lot of times with a little bit of guidance, they come to the answer on their own. Then they feel good because they figured it out and it gives them the courage to search out future answers instead of coming to me. As chandler's, we will never truly get anywhere and succeed on our own if we always have someone giving us all of the answers. If we did, our mentors would handicap us, teaching us not to think, and teaching us to be dependent.

    Now I'm sure I'm going to get jumped for all of that, but that's ok. There is someone on the board that when I have questions, I get a straight answer and at times it's great. There are other times where the answer is a little vague, but I can see that this member is encouraging me to get my feet wet....ya know, put the carrot in front of the horses nose and watch them take off on their own to figure it out.

    *stepping off soap box*

    Have a great night....


  4. I've heard of reactions between some vanilla FOs and steel. For instance, candle tins rusting if they aren't the coated type. I wonder if the wick tabs could be corroding from the FO. Have you used this scent before?

    Here's a sample thread . http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6205

    I've had both the tins and the wick tabs turn and look sort of like rust from vanilla, cinnamon, and had a y@nkee strawberry tin "rust." It's not rust though, it discolors and won't clean off, even with mold cleaner.

  5. The best soy wax? It is coming out soon. ;)

    How did you find out? Alright, the cat's out of the bag.....I'll go public now I guess.....I, Chris77, am going to perfect a formula blend using Candlewic's Soy125 and everyone will want it. It won't frost, it will hold 8% FO, and it will give beautiful tops. Oh yeah, did I mention everyone will want it? HAHAHAHA......:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

    *pinch* *pinch*

    Sorry, must have been dreaming there for a minute....do tell when it comes out please, I'd like to get in line!


  6. Here are some pics of my experiences with Soy 125 from Candlewic

    I get funky tops as I should with soy. I heat gun it and the dern thing bubbles - a lot of trapped air. When it cools, I either have more bubbles underneat that show through, or I get what looks like mottling. First thing you say is frost, but it's not. The candle gets frost on it and it looks totally different.

    Secondly I get this weird texture on the sides. It's not smooth and creamy. It looked at first like the FO wasn't binding. I adjusting FO% and then my temps. I heat between 160-180 and pour between 95 -150 and they all come out like this. I did pour one with no FO and it was perfect. Here is the kicker, I heated the side of one of the jars that did this, a bunch of air came out. The candle looked better when it cooled after doing that. I did try another candle adding some Palm Stearic to it, thinking the problem was FO. I added less FO when I added the PS and the thing bled on me! It's a lose - lose :undecided

    I deduce that this wax is an "Air Trap" no matter what I do it.

    Here are the pics....thanks for looking





  7. Hi Sally, from the photos I remember seeing, your soy pillars are going to burn differently than the paraffin pillars. For example you won't be able to hug the soy pillars, if memory serves me correctly. Hopefully someone corrects me if I'm wrong, but 1/8th of an inch is probably ok for a shell.....and after a few burns it should start to consume the shell on top as it burns further down into the candle.

    I apologize if I'm wrong, but that is what I remember from some other pics and posts.



  8. I wonder if you could twist the wick, then dip it in wax to get it to hold the "twist"? And then insert it into the candle the regular way.

    I'm gonna guess no since the twisted wick is going to be wider than a regular straight wick. The whole left from the wick pin probably won't accomodate a twisted, primed wick. That's just my educated guess however.


  9. If it is just the look, I burn them myself....

    However, if the wick doesn't work I just pull it out and stick in the next size I want to try....

    If all else fails and as a candle it is worthless, I melt the wax and pour into muffin papers to use in the fireplace......

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say the 'mix doesn't work'.....I don't mix waxes or use additives in containers so my wax is always good for something....:rolleyes2

    Well you might say I'm having some issues. I've got a wax that does not work well for me. I had a theory on the FO %'s that I was using...so several are made with varying %'s as well as with additives. none worked....so each candle is a mix of different variables.

  10. Curiousity question. What do you do with your experiments when you don't like the results...such as you pour several different containers with a different mix in each one, but you don't like the look of it for one reason or another. Do you remelt the wax and change the mix slightly and repour? Burn it for the heck of it? Throw the wax out and start over?

    Just curious since I have poured several in the past week that I didn't like the look of, I know that I'm not going to try to get the wick right in it because the next batch will be different....hate to waste it though...but I need my containers for new rounds. What do you do with your rejects?



  11. Thanks Top. The only candle I made with it that I liked was with palm stearic and beeswax....the texture was great and the throw was great....only it didn't adhere to the glass and it cracked. I thought about blending paraffin in it, but for some of the people I want to make candles for they would not be able to use it because of the paraffin. I think I'll still play with the 125....I have a case of that and a case of the 120 ordered by accident. If nothing else I'll have some candles to burn for fun.

    Let me know how that votive turns out.



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