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Posts posted by Luvcandletarts2

  1. Personally I'd tell the fish person, no deal. Imagine what your house is going to smell like when you pour it. Sorry, no sale is worth that to me.

    I was planning to burn this when I could still open the windows .... but winter snuck up on me, LOL. Good thing I have lots of air freshener sprays, etc. to cover up that yicky smell. She tells me there will be repeat buys, lol.

  2. Thank you everyone ... I am going to order Glistening snow from JS. As far as the fish candle, I tried to steer her to a fish shaped holder, etc. she REALLY WANTS it to be smelling of fishy, ick, I will keep searching. And oh, if someone really does have a rancid fo that kinda smells like fish, let me know, lol. I am serious. I even tried using the oil out of a can of tuna in oil, it smelled really icky, but one month later you can hardly smell it cold throw. Been putting off lighting it for the hot throw, lmao. :laugh2:

  3. I have a very close friend of mine that just loves the Glade Glistening Snow scent, which is why I was looking for a dupe to make her room spray and candles. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried using the oil from the containers that you plug in the wall? Would this be ok to put in wax and how much? or a room spray? Has anyone tried this? What is everyone's opinion. I am thinking I will have to try it, unless someone has a good reason it would be a bad idea. Thank you and I appreciate your input. :)

  4. Thanks for all the replies. I believe the girl told me the family's last name is Fish and they like "unique" and "strange" gifts to give each other. She thought a Fish candle would be really be a good gift. She also told me that some of her family members are "sick" enough that they will burn the candles also. I am still searching.

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