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Jenn A

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Posts posted by Jenn A

  1. LOL, Jenn, I have wanted to get into soap for about 5 years but I've been too scared. I know for a fact that my bank account couldn't handle a soap and candle addiction. :D I keep getting closer and closer to it though. I think the only thing holding me back at this point is the fear of the chemicals:undecided


    Oh you would LOVE soapmaking!! SOOOO many different oils/butters/colors......SOOOO many different fo/eo's...whew!

    If you are careful,it is fine.It is very fun and very addictive.

    I already have tons of fo's and I have gotten a hold of a few waxes (thanks to you gals that helped out on that one)/My tins came in,so I will start playing tomorrow.

    I am going with some wickless ones right now because my sis in law is doing the jj candles.

    She has done a wonderful job right off the bat too..lol....lucky!

    If you ever need any help,I would be more than happy to help you out with the soapmaking.

  2. LOL! I can't wait to get my order! I wish it would come *today*

    It is nice to know there are at least 3 or 4 of us in the "MillCreek Gang" so we can ask eachother questions, etc! :grin2:

    OH MY GOSH......this is worse than soaping!!!!

    Now I want to try every wax out there..lol...

    About a year into my soaping I justhad to try every butter/oil/fo there was :grin2:


  3. There are 2 types of pink sugar one is a VS Dupe which I think is the one JS carries and the other is Aquoline (sp) Pink Sugar which is the cotton candy smelling one the VS Dupe is a perfume scent.

    As far as I know,VS has Pink,just plain Pink.That is a totally different scent than Pink Sugar.But I love them both :)

    Tony's has an awesome Pink dupe.

    Jenn A

  4. I have to vote for peaks pink sugar to as i tried it last year and my customers threaten to kill me if i change it. Got a lot of great sales from this one. Lin

    LOL Lin.I have alot of people that love it in b&b so I figure it would make an awesome wickless candle.

    I made some for myself from the rest I had from SW's.I've been hoarding that stuff like liquid gold..lol...


    Jenn A

  5. I don't have inside pets so I never thought about it..hmmm...I guess I would ask my vet if I were you.

    Thanks Pam.I think she's decided to put the candles off until they get moved into a larger house.

    They are ina small mobilehome right now and she said she didn't ventilate.I hope he'll be ok once they get moved because she REALLY likes making candles!

    Jenn A

  6. I quit using shea in my lip balms a long time ago,they always went grainy,no matter what.

    I know this is very simple but I like equal parst of jojoba oil,beeswax and cocoa butter.Easy!

    Jenn A

    ETA that I meant i *quit* using shea...

  7. definately a possiblity. my aunt can not even be in the room when most candles are burning (for some reason, most vanillas don't bother her). her voice sounds all scratchy, and she ends up losing it after a while.

    Yikes! Bless her heart!

    My dh is that way.I have to go get the laundry det. because the smells are too much for him.

    Jenn A

  8. i have two kids who have it.they are teens now. they never have acted like it bothers them. but with one that can not tell you who knows.at that age i would make candles when he was not in the room like napping.for my kids it is worse when they get the least little bit cold.it makes it act up alot.forget about barn work or mowing grass in other words they get out of all the chores.


    yes,they do get out of alot of it.

    My 10 yo had it worse when he was younger,the we found out 2 years ago that he MVP (mitral valve prolapse) which they say isn't dagnerous but it will make him have chest pains sometimes.They scare him,bless his heart.

    Jenn A

  9. I would definitely be careful. If you have a detached garage that you could pour in, that would be best. However, it isn't just the pouring, but the test-burning that could aggravate sensitive people. I'd definitely keep an eye on things to make sure your pouring and testing is not adversely affecting him or her. There are many people that are just plain sensitive to scented candles and scents so it is definitely something to make note of.

    Thanks.I was telling her that maybe she could go somewhere else and make them but then there's the test burning.

    He gets sick really easy anyway.I'de say that she will just put the candles on hold for awhile.I hate that for her but if he can't handle it,he can't handle it!

    Jenn A

  10. Thank you both :)

    I know someone that has a baby that will 2 in Jan,he's had asthma and been in and out the hospital since he was born.

    She just started making candles.He was at the dr yesterday because he was breathing hard.I was just wondering if that may be it.

    I know she'll be really disappointed if she has to quit but I'm sure she'll put his health above the candle making for now.

    Thanks again,

    Jenn A

  11. My daughter has a friend at school that makes her own lip balm and body glitter, and now she want to try her hand at doing her own.....

    Does anybody have a good (easy) recipe for lip balm, and would you be so kind as to tell me the best places to buy supplies.

    Thank you

    One of my favorite lip balms is equal parts cocoa butter,beeswax and jojoba oil.

    I haven't treid the glitter so I can't help ya there :)

    Jenn A

  12. and I am out of luck...they are out of it!

    I am glad that I ordered 2 lbs of it in a coop though..whew!

    Maybe that'll hold me over until they get it back in.

    Wait,doesn't Peak's have pink sugar too?

    I wonder how good their's is? I may have order some samples.


    jenn A

  13. I get mine from ICS also, just love it, Millcreek has one also that smells the same to me, I have not tested in wax, but all others I have are great from them. JS has many great scents but the Pink Sugar does not smell the same at all as ICS or Millcreek. I tried JS PinkSugar, my customers will not touch it.:lipsrseal


    Wow,thanks SO much Bonba.

    I will look at ICS's pink sugar.


  14. I also love Scent Works Pink Sugar, but I can't see painting that on my air freshener blanks so I asked on TSR who had the best Pink Sugar (besides Scent Works), and it was an overwhelming reply that ICS had the best next to Scent Works, I just ordered it last night. Sorry I can't help you anymore than that. Just wanted to throw that at ya :wink2:

    Thanks! yes SW has WONDERFUL pink sugar...I just LOVE it and so do alot of my customers (soap,lotions,body sprays).

    I know I'm gonna slap forehead when you tell me but who is ICS?


    Jenn A

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