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Posts posted by SpaceGirl

  1. One of the nibbles I've gotten from doing a recent show is to provide product samples and/or donations in support of a charity event this fall. The event is called the Scream Scram and supports both Multiple Sclerosis research as well as pediatric cancer research and support. The event is in its 9th year, I've googled both the event and the PR firm that contacted me and they appear legitimate.

    So while I am in no position financially to make an outright monetary donation I am considering some product donations as an advertising method. I could potentially get a booth near the start/finish line to display some product and information. My logo and information would be included in some press release stuff, etc... They are also looking for freebies to give to the participants, like lip balms.

    Since the business portion of this is all still young for me (less than 1 year of being legitimate and online) I am always on the lookout for ways to get my name and product out there. This looks like a decent way to do that and associate myself with a good cause at the same time.

    My question for y'all is have you ever participated in a charity event like this where you get no immediate $$$ return, in fact you put yourself out there with considerable product investment (could "cost" me around $500), and what has your experience with it been?

  2. I've been going back and forth on this.... used to use the 2" x 2" from labelsbythesheet, but would have to trim the sides so that they weren't too wide for the tube. They would overlap but not stay down so I clear tape over them.

    I am now trying the 1.8" x 1.8" from onlinelabels. Advantage there is that I don't have to trim the sides but the sides don't meet so I'm still having to clear tape over them. What I really want is a 1.8" X like 2.25" or something like that so that enough overlaps so I don't have to tape them down. sigh. I may resort to full sheet labels and cutting to size.

    I *think* that eugenia found some labels that she liked... yeah, post is here... http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68732&highlight=lip+balm+labels

  3. Not that I do near the amount of volume you're talking about.... but even at the level I do I know I would be SOL without an understanding husband. There really does have to be some understanding and acceptance that you aren't going to do as much around the house and he needs to be okay with stepping up. And whoever mentioned him benefiting from the $$$ was right as well. Just make sure that you really do take some ironclad time off when you are not accepting orders AT ALL and relax once in awhile!

    (at least that's the advice I say I'll tell myself when the time comes) :laugh2:

  4. I'm wondering if there is something with a carrier oil that buffers a fragrance oil... because I used a recipe someone else gave here.... FO ends up being 20%, FCO 20% and cyclo 60% and that worked sooooo well -- didn't bother any of my "testers'" skin.

  5. I know with OS Commerce at least there is a little glitch that if the person doesn't hit the Return to Merchant button after submitting payment information then the order never really completes. My husband (webmaster extraordanaire) added in some code to prevent that and code to capture the information just in case the transaction goes awry.

  6. Thanks for the encouragement, everyone.

    I'm not as worried about the volume right now -- he knows that volume is NOT a part of my operation right now and is willing to start with small orders and if demand really does exceed capacity to talk about that in the future. And even without giving up my dayjob I can do a few hundred a month (small beans to some of you, I know) before I have to make accomodations and look for more help.

    I sent him a follow up e-mail last night -- I figure this wasn't any different than a job interview and it's just good manners to do a follow up after those. He responded very positively so I have pretty high confidence that I'll be picking up some supplies next week to play with.

    Oh and one of the things that won him over was attention to testing! So for the newbies there's another reason to test, test, test!

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