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Posts posted by Moneypenny

  1. i have 10lbs of xcel i just got, is there anything i can mix it with to use it in a candle? im try to get good adhesion and i dont want to waist it. I guess I should of read up on it better. Thank u so much for your help

    Hi! I did do some testing with the cb excel when it first came out. It really has incredible throw and I did not mix anything with it at the time. It does take a smaller wick than you would normally use. I use cd wicks with great success. I was very pleased with the throw but stuck with my ez soy because I just had too many that I did not want to take the time to re-test. Great wax and if my ez soy ever goes away, I would use that! Best of luck!!

  2. Oh wow!!!! I must live right to have you and Betty in my life!! You are such a blessing! Ooooohhhh!!! I can't wait!! You are the greatest!!! You always make me smile! Take your time and feel better dear friend! I have been dealing with pollen allergies too and they are no fun! No worries at all! Well I am always fascinated talking to you and hearing your life experiences! You could have your own library!! You can be assured I will call you this weekend!(((((((((((((((((GREAT BIG BEAR HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))


  3. Hi Dave! Just now reading this but I was able to access the website too. I agree with everyone in that it was a very strange website like none I have ever seen! This is the first supplier that I have seen where they do not tell you if it is bodysafe and to do my own testing. I always thought it was commonplace to say body safe or not! I don't blame you dear friend, there are too many wonderful suppliers out there where you can do online ordering with no issues whatsoever!

  4. LOL!!!! I kinda thought YULTIDE would get your attention! Too late! One of my best sellers at Christmas is all because of you! Sure will! I got some orders to get out but I will put you on my schedule for sure! You know I enjoy every minute of our wonderful conversations! Looking forward to talking to you again dear friend!! (((((((BIG BEAR HUGS)))))))

    Mish Monehpenneh

  5. Hi! It has always been my experience with bakery scents that I always need to start with a cd14. However, I always just use 1oz pp and ez soy is my soy wax. The largest wick I have used in a jj has been cd 18! I know that it seems scary but if it needs it, it needs it. Have you done 4 complete 4 hour burning sessions? That is always how I gauge if I need to wick up or not. I have never used any more than 1 oz pp for a candle. My personal experience is that I got less throw from any more oil than that. I am sure others have had different experiences and hopefully they will jump in too. These are great fragrances especially that peach cobbler! Wow! I just got that one myself and I was amazed at the richness and depth of this fragrance! Yum! Just my humble opinion, if you used just the 1oz I bet the Cd 14 would work. If you really wanted to stay with the 1.5oz you might have to go to the CD 16. Best of luck and this is just a small facet of the wonderful world of testing! Lol!

  6. Yes this has happened to me before and I really learned from it too! I use only the 5oz dixie cups now! I cleaned up my mess with paper towels and unscented baby wipes. Fortunately the table I use does not have grout as it is just a regular work table. Yultide from BCN disolves plastic the quickest! Just FYI!

  7. Well I can tell you that I love to make soap!!! I started with the m&p soap and loved that so that is when I knew that I would enjoy cp as well! I would recommend starting with m&p just to see how you like it before you invest time and money into cp. I will never buy store bought soap again! I use the soap that I make every day and I absolutely love it! Best of luck to you!! Enjoy!!

  8. I so love RE Toasted Marshmallow!!! That is the only one I really liked even oob and I use it all the time by itself and it is wonderful as a mixer! Before discovering this one, I smelled several and I do know what you are talking about with the "acetone" smell. The RE Toasted Marshmallow fo I have been told by my customers and I quote is "lick the walls good"!! Lol!! Dave you are too funny! That is ironic that a milkman would be lactose intolerant! But yes there are some fragrances that I have judged on first sniff and perhaps they would have been great but I just could not get past that first sniff!

  9. Well this may be a different approach! I cannot say that I have ever felt like what I do is a job. I really love it and have never been burnt out with it all. However, I do have the bath and body side with cold process soap that I love as well. I do love to experiment and do my own mixes and that is why there will always be a limited edition section to my website. I love to explore and gather information and then try new things and new scents on my customers. I have always had a creative side that I constantly need to feed! Lol! I do empathize and understand how one my get depressed and burnt out sometimes too! My advice is to try to mix it up a little and let your imagination run wild! I always recommend having a limited edition section to feed the "id" part of you! It really helps and as for me I will always have a passion and a love for what I do and how I please my customers! Best of luck to all of you and remember to have fun!!!:cheesy2:

  10. Thanks so very much everyone for the info on what I hope to be another great supplier for me!! Yum!!! Butterscotch pudding does sound wonderful!!! I will definitely have to try that one next! I have been enjoying this for 6 years and I love finding new suppliers, it is just like Christmas morning! Lol! I will definitely let everyone know the results of these as soon as I get them in wax! Oh!! Tangerine Peach does sound great too! I so love this board! I am learning so much!! Thanks again!!!

  11. Hi and welcome to this wonderful board and to the joy of a soy candle business! I have been making soy candles for 6 years now and I really love it! However, in the beginning I did hit some rough patches and some forks in the road like you are right now. You are excited about your business and you want to keep promoting it, very understandable. However, it does sound like you are not completely satisfied or comfortable with your product at this point. I was definitely in your shoes a few years ago and I changed waxes, wicks, jars, and logos to get the look that really worked for me and my customers. There are so many facets to this wonderful business! Wholesale is a wonderful thing but my advice to you is to really work on your wicking issues and your logo before you walk into gift shops to sell your product. You will feel so much better having 100% confidence in your candles and really be able to build a wonderful relationship with the shop owner. Just my .02 but I think it is so much more important to really work out the issues with your product before you promote your creations to gift shop owners! Best of luck and I really hope this helps you!:cheesy2:

  12. Wow!!! I am really impressed with the selection at Candlewic! This is my first time ordering from them and it was hold to hold myself back! Lol! I was looking for Vera Wang Glam Princess type and that is what led me to them! I ordered samples of Freshwater Cucumber, White Tea and Ginger, and Awaphui and Seaberry! I am sure I missed some real goodies but I was trying to be a good girl and not go crazy!!:drool: Lol!!!

  13. Hi Moonshine! I had thought that I replied to this already but I don't see it. I use ez soy and I heat to 195 and then add fragrance at between 187 to 188.5 and it always works very well for me! The fo really bonds with the wax and produces a wonderful throw. Try it! I think you will be pleased! Best of luck!

  14. Lol!!!! Dave you ole sweetie you are too funny!!! Okay 188.5!! Yes I do that too! Lol! Luv ya too! Cool!! I am really looking forward to my goodies and you just never know when one might show up on your doorstep too! Lol! ((((HUGS))))) my dear friend!!

    Mish Monehpeneh!

  15. I don't have any experience with vybar but I would say that you are adding your fragrance at too low of a temp. It is my experience with soy that it is best to add fragrance at about 188 degrees so it can really bond with the wax. I would also say that 2oz is too much! Best of luck to you! HTH!

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