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Frosting soap cupcakes UGH!


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I have been trying everything under the sun to make a pipeable frosting made with M&P. I am trying to achive the high tops not the look of an actual frosted cupcake and I dont want to mold them. Although there are some really cute ones out there its just not what I am looking to achieve. I tried adding liquid glycerin, liquid hand soap, shea butter & fractionated coconut oil, and I have tried boiling water. I am only able to make 1 topping. Hardly worth the efforts IMO. I am to afraid to work with lye and make CP soap. I found something in my searchings that you can use SCI noodles ,coco betaine,slsa,cetyl alcohol. Does this qualify as soap? I know the first 2 ingre. are surfactants but does this stuff act like soap? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Thank you Rosie, I actually tried that stuff a few years back , it wasnt that bad but the price changed my mind. Now I am at it again but the price now is insane , with the shipping cost 2 lbs would be $30 and I will not be able to frost a whole lot of soap cupcakes with 2# :( .

Jack it was actually your cupcake mold/video I was talking about that was very nice looking. I really dont want to do a mold but I am rethinking that. I actually have tried this recipe and although its probably the best one out there, it dries spongy and feels a tad bit firmer than an easter peep and dissolves rather quickly. I would have to suggest for people to pop the top off and pull a piece of it off to use with a shower pouf. Although its not such a bad thing its just really not what I am trying to achieve. I think I just need to suck it up and delve into CP soaping LOL. I greatly appreciate you and Rosie taking the time to find these links for me and offer help. Thank you both so much.

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