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Customer email before


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I just posted about a customer.I received her payment through PAY PAL. As I mentioned in my post I will send her the money back and request the order back.Well I TRIED to send the money and I get "THIS RECIPIENT IS CURRENTLY UNABLE TO RECIEVE MONEY". This is through PAY PAL. What do some of you think and also should I contact Pay Pal???? Never heard of this.Never had to send a refund but have sent and recieved money through Pay Pal for years for other reasons.

I have 7 orders on my site from this person and only one ever went through with payment and paid for but she wants her money back.I wanted to send it through Pay Pal like she sent but I'm not able for the above reason.Is this strange.

I'm going to email and ask her why I can't send her money back but I need some more ideas if anyone can help.Looks Like need to send a MO.Of course cash only and I bet what she expects.


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Jeani353. Thank You. I already did contact pay pal.I told them this is fishy and they agreed.I was told to send nothing back and she said she won't buy anything or will her friends.Forget sending money back through Pay Pal.Can't.She won't take a MO and I sure can't send it through Pay Pal.

Fishy Fishy Fishy.She said forget the MO. I will tell her that is the only way. I can't send your money back since she can't recieve money through Pay Pal. I will tell her just that.See what her answer is.

I havent heard of this. A new way to scam.


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Jeani353. Thank You. I already did contact pay pal.I told them this is fishy and they agreed.I was told to send nothing back and she said she won't buy anything or will her friends.Forget sending money back through Pay Pal.Can't.She won't take a MO and I sure can't send it through Pay Pal.

Fishy Fishy Fishy.She said forget the MO. I will tell her that is the only way. I can't send your money back since she can't recieve money through Pay Pal. I will tell her just that.See what her answer is.

I havent heard of this. A new way to scam.


It seems it could be a new way to scam but she isn't able to get her money back through PayPal and won't accept MO so how is she getting her scam $?

I had thought PayPal was going to tell you there was something wrong with her account causing her to not be able to receive payments. Like she was being watched or had already done something....maybe her bank is closed. Not quite sure but thought they'd tell you something.

Glad you are standing your ground regardless of her threats because one mistake these days with all the fraud and scamming going on out there could cost a person a lot of money. These people need a life!

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She said in the email to long to get money back with MO.Weeks.She now OK'd it.I told her I couldn't send through Pay Pal.She said I paid through them.I know. We can't send her anything back

I'm doing the right thing.Get damaged goods back.I told her We've No problems like this before.The whole thing damaged.She said prob the mail man.She mentioned 2 bags were opened(that was just to be able to say 24 tarts were damaged) and how could that be with the mail man. He won't open the box and then open the clasped bags. Now then some are in the garbage and she can't send those back.I look for very little to be coming back.After her first email it went to sending the stuff back if you want."I do want" to OH alot went in the garbage with her next email.

I did briing up that she ordered once and never a problem with the product.She tried to order 5 more times and it never went through with Paymant so we didn't send anything.Now she pays for a order and we send it and all is trashed. Wants money back but we weren't able.Must be MO.She's Ok with it.

This has made me realize I need to raise my prices.I haven't for some time.I'm Doing some evaluation.I don't have alot of regular customers but those who buy quite a bit for years I will keep their cost the same


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