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Fragrance Buddy?


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Has anyone else tried the FOs from Fragrance Buddy?

I ask because I got a few samples, and wasn't all that impressed with most of them, that being said, most if not all of the Autumn/Fall scents were spot on! There other oils were hit or miss (as is with any other supplier) but some where just downright Odd to my nose.

Has anyone tried their "Kudzu" fragrance oil? I was intrigued right away by the description but my sample smelled very much like grape soda in the bottle!? I assume I got a bad batch. Anyone else try it? Their "Candy Corn" had a slight ether-like odor in the beginning, but was otherwise good and realistic. Lastly, I found the "Demeter" dupes to be all but silent in throw and could not really detect a smell from them. I must have tried about 85% of their entire selection and was fairly impressed with most!

The price is more than worth it - if you need 16oz'ers!

What was your thoughts?

Edited by rctfavr3
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I'm confused! First you said "I got a few samples, and wasn't all that impressed with most of them" and then at the end you said "I must have tried about 85% of their entire selection and was fairly impressed with most!"

I know there have been a few posts about them recently.

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I'm confused! First you said "I got a few samples, and wasn't all that impressed with most of them" and then at the end you said "I must have tried about 85% of their entire selection and was fairly impressed with most!"

I know there have been a few posts about them recently.

Well it won't let me revise the post.

BUT I meant to type: "I got samples, and wasn't all that impressed with a few but most of the Fall/ Autumn scents were spot on!

>I should have read it before posting.

I disliked a few (noted above) but most were good!

Edited by rctfavr3
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