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candle storage?

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What is a good way to store scented jar candles for a period of time? I've read elsewhere that you wrap up the candle in a paper towel, then put the candle in a plastic storage bag, and store in a cool dry place, but I don't know if that's correct. If this isn't correct, what is the correct way, and how long will the candles keep?

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Not sure of the the quantity you are talking about. I assume you mean unburned candles that you have extra of. Every year after Christmas I box up my left over fall/holiday candles into the boxes that my jars come in. I move them into a closet in the house that is dark and gets no sunlight. I do that with my extra fragrance oil as well. Those candles look and smell great when I bring them out of the closet in August or September and the oils are just fine as well. I have a man that I sell candles to and he says he takes the extra ones that he is not ready to burn and puts them in the freezer. I haven't tried that myself nor would I have enough room anyway.

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Not sure of the the quantity you are talking about. I assume you mean unburned candles that you have extra of. Every year after Christmas I box up my left over fall/holiday candles into the boxes that my jars come in. I move them into a closet in the house that is dark and gets no sunlight. I do that with my extra fragrance oil as well. Those candles look and smell great when I bring them out of the closet in August or September and the oils are just fine as well. I have a man that I sell candles to and he says he takes the extra ones that he is not ready to burn and puts them in the freezer. I haven't tried that myself nor would I have enough room anyway.

Thanks for the response! Yeah, I am referring to unburned candles. I wondered if storing them for a period of time would cause the fragrance to fade. I'm glad to know otherwise. I did hear that one shouldn't put candles in the freezer for long periods as it may cause the candles to crack.

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Last year I had candles stored for 9 months in my closet and they were good. To be honest I think there were probably better than the ones we made and sold after just a week of curing. Maybe after a couple of years it might hurt them. I think the guy that said he put them in the freezer is a little nutty, lol.

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Quite a few months back I found one I'd made around 2003-2005 (ish). I thought why not. Lit it up and it had a great HT. It also burned just like they did after making them. It was stored with a black screw on cap....the ones that are country style.

That was 415 soy. I don't have any older paraffin ones around to know how they do.

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