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Wick advice please

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Bought a few of these yesterday to experiment with and they were on my door step this morning- very impressive seeing they came from Texas and I am in Michigan

Question is seeing that they are 4" diameter I am thinking I am going to have to double wick - something I have not done before successfully!

I will be using 415 and will be doing these citronella- I am guessing 2 Cd 6's or 8's for a starting point but also know being tin they are going to get hot fast.... any suggestions would be very much appreciated....btw they are seamless as well and cute as hell

people with experience with this size container ... can I get away with 1 wick- I would so much rather do that and if not I think I remember reading double wicking the tabs should be touching?

Thanks so much

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Moonshine - I can't help on the wicking but wanted to mention another potential problem. Many times the metal is joined by folding and doesn't produce a leakproof container. Although it says it can be used for florals there are thin plastic liners that are used for that application. I would recommend that you fill one with water and see if it leaks (which means the hot wax would leak too.) If it does ... or if you want to make sure they all won't leak ... you can get some high temp gasket sealer or high temp clear bathroom silicone caulk. Just seal up the seams on the bottom and up the side.

If it does leak it makes quite a mess. (bad memories) Good luck!

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You mean I cant pour into the plastic liner?.....LMAO just kidding- I couldnt resist!

Thanks Judy and Tam... they are not seamless- I thought when I had read the description they were seamless but must of been a different site- this place was the best price I found for the size. So they do have a seam but it appears to be very tight- I put water in a couple of them and no leaks so far but now I am worried it will weaken after a few burns. So Judy that sealer and caulk will not cause any burn hazards inside the container_ or do you mean to do the outside? I have never sealed anything in my life outside of crazy glue! LOL

Tam I will try the 20 and 22- I was hoping someone would give me hope to NOT double wick! I am going to use 415 wax or I may use up my 135- I had very good success with citronella in 135 but with LX wicks in mason jars- Thanks

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So Judy that sealer and caulk will not cause any burn hazards inside the container_ or do you mean to do the outside?

i agree with your instincts about the seam weakening since thin metal can expand & contract with the heat. From experience I definitely would caulk the inside. It really doesn't take much and you only have to go up to the wax level you plan to pour. I highly recommend you use the high temp type. And as long as there is no direct contact of the caulk with the flame, there shouldn't be a problem. Keep up posted!

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I made those last summer. Most of them did leak but mine all leaked at the bottom. Can't exactly tell you where because once the wax came running out it was hard to tell where it was coming from. Am going to be pouring just a few for home use only and am going to caulk the outside with a very thin line of clear silicone on the seams. Hope it works and GL to you :)

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