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Someone willing to make my CP soap?

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I asked this on a different thread I started but since that thread was about a particular company who sells wholesale CP soap I thought it would be better to start a new thread asking the same question.

Is there anyone on this board that makes CP soap (translated "experienced"), who is willing to wholesale loaves, at least for a little while, while I learn how to do it myself, and is willing to either give me or sell me some samples of what they make (I don't mind paying a reasonable price)? Or, if I gave you a recipe, would you be willing to make it? So as to not start any wars with anyone on the board would you mind PM'ing me with your answer as well as what types of soap you're willing to offer/make and what you would charge? I'm mostly interested in moisturizing soaps that have good lather, as well as exfoliating soaps, preferably with fine walnut shell powder or oatmeal and about 5 oz each, or thereabouts. I'm not interested in fancy looking soaps, novelty soaps, or multicolored/multilayered soaps. We can get into more details in the PM.

Also, I don't know if this is the proper section to ask this so if it isn't would the mods please accept my apology and move it to its proper place?


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