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Can anyone suggest on how I can find a soap maker for my soaps?


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Hi members! I recently lost my product maker. I have a special skin care company, and make all the creams, but I have a very small apartment in New York, and it's impossible for me to not only keep all the supplies, but to have the space to make more. Plus with the company taking off, I barely have time to run everything. I just don't have time to take a crash course in soapmaking while I have customers ordering them. I am looking for someone WHO ALREADY has a business, and can just add me in. My soaps have alot of ingredients that go into them, and they are a bit labor intensive; Right now, I keep getting soapmakers who first agree on the price, then two days later, decide to raise the price. I pay per bar, or by order. I use the SFIC goat milk, shea, olive oil soap base, and add to it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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