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Fire Safe Lid????

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I came across some candles recently. One they did the normal soy vs parrafin thing that has been debated many times on here, had the triple scent claim and claimed a burn time that I just can't imagine from the size candle it was. They looked horrible, crusty, flaky tops and had some odd kinda thing going on in the candle itself. It looked like no candle I've ever seen. It looked solid, then looked like it was liquidy with all kinds of odd looking bubbles, then solid again. I've seen come crusty tops before but never like this. I wouldn't even give these away let alone sell them. But to each his own I guess.

Anyway the main purpose of posting is that they had smelly jelly lids on them (with no other covering under the lid) so the CT was pretty weak. I suppose from having no protection from air letting the scent weaken over time. That wasn't the problem though, they called these fire safe lids and were saying you could burn them with these lids on. :shocked2:I've never heard that or seen any other candles have something like this. My first reaction was fire hazard and lawsuit waiting to happen. I can only imagine how hot that lid would get escpecially on a power burn. Any thoughts on this fire safe lid?

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That wasn't the problem though, they called these fire safe lids and were saying you could burn them with these lids on. :shocked2:I've never heard that or seen any other candles have something like this. My first reaction was fire hazard and lawsuit waiting to happen. I can only imagine how hot that lid would get escpecially on a power burn. Any thoughts on this fire safe lid?

Oh boy....I don't know about that.....Have some of those around here somewhere but never thought of using them as a flame draft cover or fire safe lid. Hopefully, someone will come along and post who has tried them.

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