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"bitter" almond FO


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OK. I've tried nearly 8 different bitter almond FOs from various suppliers and it seems none of them are truly "bitter". Is this the norm?

I've never used BA in anything before because I was told the EO was toxic ( as in cyanide ) Unfortunately, I can't really compare a bitter almond FO to it's extracted essence. By definition; I would think a bitter almond should be somewhat bitter smelling. Then again; does "bitter" even translate into realm of smells? It was probably named as such because of it's taste.

I don't think those "bitter" aspects translate over into the scent form, at least not in the FOs I tested. Of the ones I did try, most reminded me of plain old almond scents, with a select few being vaguely reminiscent to "cherry cough syrup" Which while strange, isn't exactly a big shocker. Both cherry and almond have similar aroma chemistry.

Unfortunately, even the "cherry cough syrup" FOs lacked that bitter aspect that I would assume makes the bitter almond different from other almond fragrances.

Having never tried a bitter almond I'm starting to wonder now if my expectations for a "bitter" bitter almond are too high! I was really hoping for a bitter almond with a bit of a bite! I'm starting to think there isn't a nickel's difference between any "Almond" or "Bitter" Almond FOs. If there is...my poor nose can't detect the differences.

Now that my odd rant/question/short novel is out of the way...Has anyone tried a bitter almond FO that was actually bitter? and if so, Where'd ya get it? :grin2:




bitter almonds.

Edited by rctfavr3
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Stepping over the line to my life as a Pastry Chef.

It is my understanding that the best Almond flavorings come from Bitter Almonds, yet these are almonds that we don't eat. They are the most fragrant and make the best flavoring. It is also my understanding that these almonds are not available in the US, so we have almond extract.

So when they are calling it a "Bitter Almond Fragrance Oil" they are mimicking the scent of the bitter almond. This almond does NOT smell bitter in any way. I learned this from my Pastry Chef "back in the day" and he had a small amount of this flavoring that he brought from Europe when he was visiting family. It is vastly superior in baked goods over even the pure almond flavoring here in the U.S.

Over the past 20 years of working in Pastry I have smelled/baked with many almond products. Some good, some bad. But I have never detected bitter in any of them.

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Wow, THANKS for the info! I had a feeling this may be the case. I guess they may taste bitter ( hinting of their toxicity) but their aroma isn't bitter. Interesting! Good to know none the less. I guess an almond, bitter or otherwise, will still smell identical.

Edited by rctfavr3
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