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Plastic in wax!


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We ordered several cases of wax from a well-known supplier and one that we have used for years.

While pouring jars, I heard something "plop" into the jar. I could not see anything, so I emptied the jar back into the pour pot and poured slowly. Sure enough, a piece of clear plastic fell into the jar! You couldn't see it until it was on the lip of the pour pot sliding into the jar. I looked in all the jars I had just poured and didn't see anything, but I didn't trust that that was good enough, so I ended up emptying all the jars back into the pot. What a mess and waste of wicks, stickums, wax and TIME!!

I did contact the company and they said they had not heard of this problem. They asked for the lot number but, unfortunately, the box was thrown away. I can give them the lot number of the other boxes, but I am not positive they were all from the same lot.

I bought a strainer and my plan is to strain the wax before I use it. Any other ideas? Has anyone else had this problem with IGI4630?

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Hi Jane,

I don't use the 4630, but I always strain my wax....you just wouldn't believe the stuff my strainer catches!! It's funny ...you put these white slabs of wax in your melter and think they have nothing in them, but they sure do! I used to have little dark specks in the bottom of my jars and now nothing....I love it!! You feel like you are giving your customer a very clean product.

Edited by puma52
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After a difficult year last year, personally, I almost decided to quit the business. We decided that we would give it one more year, and it has been a challenge. Three of our favorite scents are no longer offered and we are on the search for replacements. The lids to our jars have changed and just don't fit right. When this problem started with the wax, I almost threw in the towel. I know that we all deal with setbacks, but I think I was hoping that getting back to the business would be uplifting and it has been anything but that so far.

I did strain the wax today and found nothing - no specks, no dirt, no plastic - but I still do not trust that plastic may not be in there somewhere, so I will continue to strain the wax. It is just one more step that I just don't want to deal with.

Thanks for the responses - I appreciate it!


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Yes, the straining is a pain, that is for sure, but a necessary evil. Don't you just hate it when they change the jar lids on you?! Ackkkk!! Makes you want to tear your hair out! Are you looking for your old lids to buy? If so, could you could take a pic and put it online and maybe one of us will know where you can get access to the old lids that you used to have for your jars. Please don't throw in the towel!!! Your customers need you!! Things will get better!! :smiley2:

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sporadic....I am thinking it was during the manufacturing process because you cannot see it anywhere on the slabs...it must have been mixed in the wax.

Doesn't matter at this point, I guess....will strain before use and hope for the best.

Thanks again for the responses.


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Can't you see it when your wax is melted? My wax is clear when melted and I can see stuff in it. Most times it settles to the bottom of my melting pot.

No - it is like saran wrap, completely clear. I occasionally will get paper from a slab floating in my wax - or a bit of dirt. That I can see and remove. The only way I knew it was in there was that I heard a "plop" when I was pouring. Even then, I couldn't see it in the candle jar that I had just poured, so I had to throw it back in the pot and then pour slowly until I saw it just before it went into the jar again. Anyway - I have been using a stainer since this incident and have not found anymore plastic....but will continue straining it just in case.

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