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Shipping wax question from Candlesource

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Here's my question for ya all. I usually order my wax from BCN. When I order 2 boxes of 50# wax, they are always quite a bit cheaper than buying just 1 case. I called TCS to see how much shipping would be for 1 or 2 cases of wax from them. Betty said it would cost $36 for each box, it don't matter if I got 1 or 2 cause they would both need a label. Does that seem right to you all? TIA!


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Probably correct. I know that LS has a freight discount if you order 200 lbs or more so you might think about that. Also whenever I always try to time my need for wax for the same time I need containers. That way I can get them on a pallet and shipped LTL instead of by the box. That way I can still ad on some wicks, fragrance oils, dyes etc and basically I get the freight free on them because the pallet rate is fairly flat.

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I guess every company is different. Lonestar offers discount on 200# or more shipped via UPS. I don't hardly ever order from Candlesource but they use FedEx ground I believe. Probably different criteria for fedex and UPS. Your freight savings discount from Lonestar might justify checking out there wax but theirs. However Lonestar's are slabs of wax instead of the pellets. I have actually been thinking of trying the wax from Candlesource just to see if it is easier to load into the melter to save my back and hands but at those freight prices I probably will just have to stay with what I currently use.

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