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Wicking.....again....please please help!!!!

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I really could use somebody's input. I am currently testing with 18 oz BULB JARS from lonestarcandlesupply. Height: 4.08" Base Diameter: 3.86" Widest Diameter: 4.61"

Top Diameter: 3.41" I am having trouble finding a wick. I use CB 135 wax. I have had okay luck with CD-12, the only problem with that was it mushroomed badly and I wasn't able to relight the candle. I tried CD-14, it mushroomed as well. The CD-10 was okay, but didn't burn to the edges. HTP-104 burned okay but not EVENLY. I even double wicked with LX-18 which caused the melt pool too deep and burned quickly. IF SOMEBODY, ANYBODY could please help me out I would GREATLY APPRECIATE IT! :confused::confused::confused::confused:

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Double wick that's the best I cab gicpve I had a libbey jar(s) rgart were even smaller and no one wick except the largest paper could clean the jat. The paper shrooms all the time. But your jar is much wider than my 4" in the middle 3" opening. Might have to double wiv close together to brevent the jar from heating up. My 2 cents.

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I have tried single wicking my 3 3/4 inch diameter apothecary jar with so many wicks and I finally thought I had one..CD 22 but it only worked with 1 oil and no other's at all :( I think I am going to just try to double wicking again like I did in the past but really wanted to single.

When I double wicked years ago I used ECO 6 but I will be testing with HTP, LX, CD, Cotton, Premier to name a few..can't remember the other's I have samples of lol.

I have been SO frustrated with wicking that I have given it a break for a while and concentrating on just wax melts right now.

Good Luck though :) You will figure it out.

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Thanks! I guess it's back to the "drawing board." :angry2: Well, I will try double wicking with the LX16 since the LX18 didn't work out so great. But then again, maybe I should just stick with 8 oz jars.:sad2: But for now, since I have all these 18 oz bulb jars, I need to keep trying.:(:mad:

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