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Wipe Out, Blonde Moment and Morning Buzz from Just Scent......


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I really like all three of these FO's from Just Scent but want to rename them.

The Wipe Out is FABULOUS and the splash of mint in it really makes it an enjoyable fragrance. I, however, don't think of an ocean when I smell this. More like a minty day spa, relaxation smell.

Blonde Moment: To me it smells like grape Kool-Aid or sweet tarts but I don't want to call it either of those. I was thinking something along the lines of using the word Childlike or Childhood..references to being a kid because it brings back childhood memories of drinking Kool-Aid in the summer for me but don't want to call it Childhood Memories lol. Stuck on a name for this one.

Morning Buzz: If you have used this one before please let me know if you smell any coffee notes in this because I do not. I smell a bunch of cinnamon and some sugar and maybe a weird something else added but do not smell any coffee so I don't think I could label this a coffee scent.

Any name suggestions from anyone that has personally tested these 3 FO's would be apprecaited :)

Thanks so much!

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OH what about Penny Candy, Playroom, Kids Club, Sweet Tooth, for Blonde Moment?

I haven't smelled the other two but some suggestions.

Wipeout: Relaxation, Pure Relaxation, Clean Retreat, Zen Moment

Morning Buzz: Cinnamon Sugar, Sweet Cinnamon, Sweet Morning Spice, Sugar High ????

That's all I got for now

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the suggestions but I ended up not going with any of these scents.

Blonde Moment smells like Grape Bubble Gum and Morning Buzz actually has a stinky smell walking into the room like something burnt mixed with a stale smell. You have to put your nose to the melter to actually smell any cinnamon.

Won't be using either of these scents...if anyone wants the 1 lb bottles I ordered you can have them lol

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